Are you planning to go to school for a course but don’t have any funds for it? Are you now considering applying for any scholarships? Or are you someone who helps people apply for a scholarship? Either way, this course will be able to help you!
This course is designed to give students a guide how to get a scholarship to fund their schooling. This course will give you the basics of scholarship program. Since we all know that scholarships and grants are a huge source of help for financial aid, you would want to become competitive since you need to compete with others who also want to have a slot on a scholarship. This course will help you with these challenges you are going to encounter during the process.
Getting Scholarships Course is a useful qualification to possess, and would be beneficial for the following careers:
No more than 50 active courses at any one time. Membership renews after 12 months. Cancel anytime from your account. Certain courses are not included. Can't be used in conjunction with any other offer.