What is Digital Marketing Strategy? (Explained with Examples)

According to Our World in Data, the number of internet users rose globally from 413 million in 2000 to a whopping 3.4 billion in 2016!  So it’s barely surprising that the shopping horizons are expanding to the digital from the offline at jet speed. As a result, Digital Marketing is becoming increasingly relevant. And the number of professionals trying to find their correct answers to what is Digital Marketing strategy is rising steeply. 

Learning what is Digital Marketing Strategy and how to implement it properly can open new doors for you. So here are the answers to all your queries on what is Digital Marketing Strategy. After all, Digital Marketing is not going to go off trend any time soon!

Table of Contents

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing means the promotion of products or services digitally. Here, digitally means using digital resources over the Internet. Some well-known digital media, such as social media platforms, websites and emails, help meet such goals. So, Digital Marketing expertise has many branches. Some of the most well-known ones are social media marketing, search engine optimisation and email marketing.

What is digital marketing

Classic offline marketing approaches relied on some common strategies, such as publishing, billboards and mass media. In contrast, Digital Marketing mainly relies on data. Many prominent digital advertisement channels now offer high-quality information. Using such information helps essentially in achieving desired results from marketing campaigns.

Digital marketers can gather accurate information on client behaviour today. Then this information undergoes analytics and processing. Later, this processed information helps in understanding the buyer’s journey. 

By dint of the internet and digital technologies, this has become much easier these days. The mentioned data are then used for creating advertisement copies. As a result, these ad copies are more personalised and accurately targeted. And that ultimately results in better audience engagement. 

Digital Marketing is the ultimate way to target more segmented audience groups. That gives us the benefit of knowing what to sell to whom. Also, this has made personalised and customised advertising possible. Moreover, it is also cheaper than traditional publicity. If you want to gather more knowledge on digital marketing, you could get a Digital Marketing Diploma. Such a course would expose you to different marketing strategies as well as make you think like a professional digital marketer.

Why is Digital Marketing Important?

Before choosing any marketing approach, you must know the benefits it could possibly yield. As a businessman or a marketer, being focused on such goals is critical. Here is a list of some benefits to expect from digital marketing. These are the reasons that make the art and practice of Digital Marketing worthwhile.


Online marketing allows you to monitor campaigns throughout the day. So resources can be used effectively. And wastes can be minimised on a particular platform. For conventional sources of publicity, the same cannot be said. For example, publishing on a billboard may or may not be effective. But the charges seldom vary with its sales performance. 


What is Digital Marketing strategy’ is a question that comes with many options as answers to it. For example, Instagram focused strategies can be more beneficial for particular campaigns. Again, for some others, pay-per-click promotions might be the way to go. And after some trial and error, you will develop an understanding of what works the best for you. 

Sometimes budget also comes into the equation. Depending on your company’s financial model and goals, some Digital Marketing strategies will be more suitable than others. The best thing is that Digital Marketing is vast in its extent. So, there are strategies and solutions for most situations. 

The Right Audience Segment Can Be Targeted Correctly

In offline marketing, the audience who gets to see an ad copy on mass media can’t be customised with accuracy. However, specific populations can usually be targeted. For example, targeting a particular neighbourhood or the existing subscribers of a publication. But usually, the lack of clarity while targeting has always been a problem with traditional offline marketing.

The Right Audience Segment Can Be Targeted Correctly

Digital marketing helps you recognise and target a focused audience group. And engaging them with customised, reconnected marketing campaigns gives better results. For example, you can use social media features to display social media publicity for a particular audience. In addition, there are options to target according to age, sex, place, preferences, behaviour, etc. 

You can also use Pay per click or SEO to display ad copies to a segmented audience. Such as people who have demonstrated an interest in your product or service before. People who searched for similar industry-related keywords are potential buyers too.

In a nutshell, digital marketing allows you to analyse your buyers. Therefore, it enables you to develop your marketing plan by targeting your desired audience segment. And that way, you are most likely to attract the right opportunities. An effective way to do so is to sell sub-groups to the bigger target groups. This is particularly beneficial when you market any goods or services to various buyers.

Opportunity to Compete with Large Businesses

You’ll probably find it hard to compete with your industry’s most prominent brands. They have millions of dollars for TV publicity or domestic campaigns. While you might be working for a small or medium enterprise. Surprisingly, using strategic digital marketing, coexisting and competing with overpowering opponents is possible today.

You can find specific keywords for your product or service. Then, using these, you can create high-quality content. In addition, they will help you to rank your site in search engines. Search engines do not differentiate based on the scale of a business. Instead, a search engine prioritises advertising that suits the targeted consumer better. 

Opportunity to Compete with Large Businesses

A relatively new path of Digital Marketing that has emerged is Influencer Marketing. Influencers are usually connected to large audience groups who resonate with them on a personal level. 

Influencers usually promote products and services that they value. Thus, their followers rely more on their recommendations for buying such products and services. 

Therefore, collaborating with influencers could be an excellent path to consider if you are working with a small and medium enterprise.

Measurable Marketing Strategy

Online marketing tools will deliver you an overview of all of its parameters. That includes impressions, shares, views, clicks and time on the website. This is one of the most significant advantages of Digital Marketing. While conventional publicity may be helpful for some purposes, immeasurability is its most notable drawback.

Measurable Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing offers a reliable view of outcomes. Most offline marketing strategies can’t achieve that easily. Have you ever tried placing an advertisement in a newspaper? If you did, you probably already know how challenging it is. How many people viewed the ad and if any conversion happened can only be guessed. There is no guaranteed way to determine if placing the ad made a difference.

On the other hand, you can calculate the ROI in about any part of your marketing activities through digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing Strategy?

So what is Digital Marketing Strategy? A digital marketing strategy is a set of planned actions performed online. They are conducted to reach specific business goals. In simple terms, this means performing consistent activities at the right time via the most appropriate online channels. These activities are aimed at increasing revenue and improving relationships with your audience.

Digital networking

The ways to approach Digital Marketing strategies vary. It depends mainly on your company’s scale and long-term objectives. For relatively new companies, Digital Marketing strategies are usually more straightforward. However, for larger corporations, the answer to “what is Digital Marketing Strategy” is it won’t be as straightforward for Digital Marketing professionals.

Why Do You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Developing a strategy means building tracks that will guide your journey. If it’s a plan for a complex job, the strategy will help you break it into bite-sized chunks. Thus, Digital Marketing Strategy will help you be more confident in your future marketing tasks.

Why Do You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy

When it comes to digital marketing, building an approach will benefit you in the following ways:

Digital Marketing Strategy Inspires You to Adopt a Growth Mindset

You need to worry about every part of your company when you start developing a digital marketing strategy. To create a sophisticated, up-to-date digital marketing plan, you must also carefully analyse your demographic, opponents, trends and neighbouring niches. In addition, developing a system is an excellent opportunity to learn more about your organisation. 

Digital Marketing Strategy Guides You Towards Accurate Information- 

During the research, you get extensive and relevant data on your business. Thus, once you start implementing your strategies, you usually have a solid grasp of what works and what doesn’t work for your brand. By means of this knowledge, you will have a neat idea of what are the available options. Also, you’ll understand what options are likely to bear fruits for your business. 

Digital Marketing Strategy Can Help You Take Informed decisions and Cut on the Guessworks

Trying to develop a digital marketing strategy minimises unnecessary confusion. It helps you make informed decisions instead of taking random steps forward (or backward). You can better understand how to incorporate multiple media channels. And you also get to appreciate the brand’s actual value by creating a plan.

Digital Marketing strategy Can Guarantee Your Return on Investment

ROI stands for Return on Investment. If you have an excellent digital marketing strategy, there are higher chances to get more profit for the money and time you invest. 

Digital Marketing strategy Can Guarantee Your Return on Investment

When your actions are well-guided by a plan, there is much smaller room for errors. You can detect and sense problems earlier. And thus, you can respond rapidly with a well-developed strategy. As a result, you can save money, time and effort to maximise your profit. 

Setting Digital Marketing Strategies Can Guide Your CRM Style

An effective online marketing strategy offers a new understanding of prospects and clients. It helps us get a clear view of the buyer’s journey. With the help of these insights, you can tailor the right ways to maintain your customer relationships. 

Digital Marketing Strategies Can Guide Your CRM Style

Ultimately, a developed Customer Relationship Management strategy leads to a sustained set of clients. That means a steady source of revenue. So while deciding on your Digital marketing strategy, this is worth remembering. Keeping your CRM style at the heart of your business interests will undoubtedly pay dividends in the long run. 

Digital Marketing Diploma Level 3
The course includes all the most up-to-date digital marketing strategies and helps you to promote your products or business using various digital platforms.
Digital Marketing Diploma Level 3
The course includes all the most up-to-date digital marketing strategies and helps you to promote your products or business using various digital platforms.

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy?

For designing a digital marketing campaign, there is no single answer. For finding your answers to ‘What is Digital Marketing’, knowing how to create one is pivotal. Keep scrolling to learn about the different types of strategies that are there. You can then weigh between these options and find out what fits your brand the best. Here are some steps describing the procedure for creating a digital marketing strategy.

1. Research and Set the Right Goals

Understanding what purpose your marketing endeavours are supposed to solve is the first step. For example, ranking higher on Google SERP can be a goal. So the first question to ask would be ‘what SEO techniques can help this content rank higher?’.

Here’s what you can do about it-

  • Structure the content in a way that is likely to rank higher according to Google’s algorithm.
  • Optimise your photographs’ resolution to speed up the loading of your page.
  • Link to essential and leading websites to increase the credibility of your website.

After this, compare your content to that of your competitors. Then, you can evaluate who are your biggest competitors in the digital world against your chosen keywords. Again, software programs and tools like Ahrefs or Moz are incredibly useful for doing these comparative market research works.Research and Set the Right Goals

Furthermore, you can ask your prospects and customers about the products of your brands. Receiving feedback and ideas are helpful any given day. Although, extracting the correct information from your customers is not a very straightforward process. Engaging customers is a skill on its own. But if you can achieve that, the results are certainly going to pay off.

Be sure you choose digital media platforms that suit the enterprise better. Working with so many channels from the outset is not recommended. Instead, tackling one area at a time is a healthy and achievable strategy. So, set your practical expectations based on the insights you’ve received after completing your research.

2. Gather Information On Your Targeted Audience

2. Gather Information On Your Targeted Audience

The target demographic for your product or service is the second thing you should consider.

The first step should be creating a buyer profile for your company. The profile is supposed to provide a guideline on their interests, website behaviour, and purchasing behaviours.

Next, you can merge this image with real-world data from Google Analytics. That will yield a holistic picture of your potential buyers. Finally, all of your collected data can be used to create customised advertisements and personalised email copies. And these goals can be achieved by doing proper behavioural segmentation.

3. Plan Your Lead Generation Strategies

The next move is to enhance lead generation and find creative ways of doing it. For example, using the SendPulse free subscription form, you can start by collecting subscribers. This form lets you receive users’ email addresses, names, contact information and other data. This information helps in building customer relationships and communicating with them effectively. Afterwards, employ these data for building your own CRM systems across platforms.

3. Plan Your Lead Generation Strategies

knowing Google ads blogs and using specific Google Ads advertisements, you can even collect subscribers..  Likewise, you will view the correct promotions using the search history of the customer, called retargeting. Another perfect way to expand your followers is through Facebook. The vast amount of data Facebook gathers about its users enables you to display targeted ads in the Facebook feed.

It’s essential to keep in mind that the audience needs to be engaged and entertained with consistency. And over time, the processes need to be renewed. Otherwise, the audience quickly picks up on shortcuts and automation. That results in a fast loss of your audience’s interest. Some methods to produce virality-inducing leads are also available. For example, you can host events to attract people to join your mailing list.

Influencer marketing is another way you can expand your audience. A famous individual with thousands of subscribers shares your brand information and encourages their audiences to search for it. That is the core idea of influencer marketing. It is a successful campaign approach, and people consider it more like accepting a recommendation from someone they trust.

4. Plan Your Lead Nurturing Strategies

Let’s assume that your customers and prospects have begun communicating with your brand. Now the immediate step to take is nurturing leads. Nurturing leads is what ultimately guides your audience into making a purchase. And there are many ways to do it. You can do it by using e-mails, chatbots and social media. But in the end, the style you put into your chosen way is what matters the most.

While reaching out to the targeted prospects and customers, it’s essential to keep certain things in mind. In social media marketing, marketing attempts end up looking too aggressive and desperate. That is not desirable for anyone. Instead, the focus should be on how much value your content provides to your audience after generating leads.

4. Plan Your Lead Nurturing Strategies

In return for more innovative content and deals, you can even invite your audience to share more data. For instance, sending survey emails. It’s a great way to know more about and connect to your subscribers. However, make sure that the recipients know that the survey would not take up too much of their time.

Furthermore, sharing content based on the user’s position in the buyer’s funnel is a good idea. Depending on how convinced people are to make a purchase, gradually shift the intent of your content from instructional to conversational.

5. Take Care of Your Old Customers

After a customer has completed a transaction with you, it should not be considered as an end. Instead, any transaction should act as an initiator for many other business possibilities. So, there are many ways to create follow-up communications with your customers after each purchase. For example, thanking the customer for their order, asking for input or a summary, offering to cross-sell, etc.

5. Take Care of Your Old Customers

For increasing the number of repeat buyers, it’s essential to have superior consumer service and ensure high-quality goods. Providing product packaging, messages and services that make your customers feel special is an excellent practice. It makes your customers feel special, and that results in much-increased loyalty.

Customers may also be intrigued to play the roles of brand ambassadors. Offering discount offers in exchange for recommendations to prospective customers is usually an effective way of doing this.

6. Build a Marketing Automation System

So this has always been a classic marketing struggle- automate the customer’s experience or customise it? But today, by dint of Digital Marketing, you can achieve a healthy balance between the two. But before that, you must learn what works and what doesn’t in your current digital marketing approach. Then, you can quickly set up automatic email workflows to deliver sequences of emails to subscribers at different points of their journey- onboarding, shopping and cart abandonment.

Chatbots are also an excellent way to help your sales and customer service. For example, Facebook Chatbots can address FAQs. These days, chatbot technology has advanced a great deal. Giving users a personal experience with the help of chatbots is just so much easier these days! For instance, SendPulse enables companies to build a chatbot without coding for Facebook, Messenger and Telegram. You can quickly create self-responses for your chatbots with this intuitive chatbot creating tool.

6. Build a Marketing Automation System

Automating your Marketing system should consist of several components. For example, making arrangements for automated SMS, push-alerts, auto-posting in social media, etc. While doing so, keeping the timeline in mind is often essential, as automation can interfere with your marketing campaigns’ timeline. So staying balanced and organised is vital. Finally, your company can achieve so much with a digital media approach. You can select your platforms and tools from a wide variety of options these days. All of them have different things to offer in terms of price, coverage, usability, and function. According to the chosen platform for your company, the appropriate mix of tools and strategies is what you need for excelling.

What are Some Effective Digital Marketing Strategies? (Strategies That Actually Work)

Some Effective Digital Marketing Strategies

There can be many Digital Marketing strategies available to people, but not all of them work effectively in making an impact. So, an even more important question than what is Digital Marketing strategy is- what are the most effective Digital Marketing strategies?

What matters more is if your whole strategy suits your brand and message. In this respect, you can create an efficient marketing campaign by considering the following-

1. Balancing Experimentations With Responsibilities

Here is an essential thing about digital marketing- it is primarily a trial and error process. So, for achieving your desired goal, flexibility in the process is essential. But flexibility can be a double-edged sword that can interfere with deadlines. So keeping timeliness and responsibility at the forefront of your thoughts is vital. Here are some other things for you to take into consideration:

  • SEO trends shifting.
  • Future direction or trends.
  • Your calendar of material and your schedule.
  • Just one or two social networks (the ones that perform best).
  • What KPIs to concentrate on.
  • When to receive progress updates, and what challenges to address and solve.

1. Balancing Experimentations With Responsibilities

A practical approach requires careful, ongoing supervision and adjustments. Do not be afraid to employ experts outside the business to help you. If things don’t work as expected, remember to refine your metrics and redefine your targets.

2. Understanding The Targeted Customer Segment

Unless you have a clear image of who buys your product and why they purchase it, your digital marketing campaign might fall short. Where and how it is purchased may or may not be always necessary. But exploring different demographics to understand what your customers want is essential. There can be many differences in preferences. Notably, social, economic, religious and political factors impact customer preferences. So proper segmentation is vital here.

2. Understanding The Targeted Customer Segment

For Instance, the popularity of “#weaccept”.  Originally it was a Super Bowl commercial that emerged after President Trump was banned. But the popularity that followed is an indication of consumer recognition. In a month, it earned five million views on YouTube along with a well-recognised hashtag. So it’s essential to understand what are politically correct concepts according to trends. Because with one single click, stimulating the sentiments of thousands or millions of people is possible today.

3. YouTube Video Marketing

YouTube is the second-largest search engine globally and is a place where users can look for answers to their problems. Depending on the subject that you are addressing- find out the related most asked questions. Try targeting the right keywords and produce quality content accordingly. Ensure that your content can generate the desired value to ensure that the right audience segment will watch the video. Thus, the traffic to your channel will grow.

3. YouTube Video Marketing

To make a video with several Search Engines Optimised keywords, you can use the tools by Ahrefs. For this purpose, their keyword research tools can be handy. Keeping the videos genuine, relevant and meaningful will keep your audience engaged. Cutting off the fluffy parts of your content is a step to enhancing quality. And minimising commercial approaches is essential to earning trust.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is not just posting content and promoting products randomly. Product-centricity might result in resistance and turn-over instead of response from the customers’ ends. So, what is the way to improve that?

4. Social Media Marketing

Focusing on One Particular Social Network

It takes time and commitment to building a follower community. But maintaining relationships with this community is something that many people mistakenly overlook. So, starting with focusing on only one platform is a good strategy in the beginning

But how to choose the right platform for your enterprise?

Contrary to common perception, just targeting the biggest platform is not the right approach. Instead, it is a matter of selective targeting. Understanding what platform has the best environment for promoting your business is critical here.

So if your buyer’s persona is well-built, then figuring this out shouldn’t be too hard.

For example, most people seek self-development advice from Facebook and YouTube. So preparing Pinterest or Instagram images might not be the best choice for this.

Given that most CEO and global leaders have prominent Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter accounts, their followers are likely to navigate these platforms regularly. So preparing content tailored to the needs of these platforms will possibly yield the best results.

Similarly, food enthusiasts typically grow interest after getting a glimpse of a convincing photograph of dishes. So for promoting food or catering businesses, Instagram and Pinterest are possibly the best marketing platforms.

Posting According to the Design of the Selected Platform

No matter what medium you choose, you need to keep your audience at the centre of interest. So start with this question- why and how you can support your audience?

For instance, many users go to YouTube with the intent of studying. Facebook, on the other hand, is accessed for different purposes. Usually, the reasons for logging into Facebook don’t include focused studying or productive working. Instead, it’s mainly used for staying social and getting updates on the people we know.

So posting an academic tutorial might be the right step on a platform like YouTube. Whereas, doing a live session on some exciting updates might be the right approach for Facebook.

But no matter what your chosen medium is, creating content that stands out is of crucial importance. In a virtual space that’s overly saturated with contents, standing out is a considerable challenge. So offering unique value through your content is just not worth compromising with these days.

5. Email Marketing

Sending newsletters to subscribers has been trending for a while. Particularly when new blogs are published on websites, newsletters are always sent out. Just in a matter of minutes, thousands of subscribers receive newsletters at their fingertips. And expectedly, all of that requires a lot of planning and background work. But the TCF 2.2 guide should be maintained while managing users’ personal data across channels.

Automating email sending becomes essential when there are a lot of subscribers to reach instantly.  But for doing so, the vast pool of subscribers needs to be built in the first place. And that is where Digital Marketing understanding comes in. These skills and expertise are what you need to achieve while understanding what is Digital Marketing strategy.

5. Email Marketing

How to attract traffic to your website is the first part of the puzzle to solve. Usually, the next move is to persuade the targeted segment of the audience to subscribe to your newsletter.

Though the discussed strategies are different on the surface, they have one core element in common. They are always effective when they have something valuable to offer to the audience. Such values can be provided in many forms. Your job as a Digital marketer is to figure out what works best for you. Thus, What is Digital Marketing strategy should have a unique answer for every Digital Marketer.

1. How to Become a Digital Marketer: A Learning Roadmap for you
2. Ultimate Guide For Digital Marketing Programme
3. Why You Should Enrol In a Digital Marketing Course

Closing Note

Setting the central goal right, and being consistent, will help you stay focused. And using the data on customer satisfaction will give your company a competitive edge for reaching such goals. How well you learn about your customers’ needs and address them is always going to be essential. Also, understanding trends and how they impact each demographic group differently is critical to your business success. 

While figuring out what is Digital Marketing Strategy– one part will always remain the same. The services and products of any company should suit customer needs and wants. Therefore, at the heart of your Digital Marketing strategy, customer-centricity should always be in focus.

Digital Marketing Diploma Level 3
The course includes all the most up-to-date digital marketing strategies and helps you to promote your products or business using various digital platforms.
Digital Marketing Diploma Level 3
The course includes all the most up-to-date digital marketing strategies and helps you to promote your products or business using various digital platforms.
May 16, 2024
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