Is corporate LMS an effective online training mechanism for employees?

Is corporate LMS an effective online training mechanism for employees? Corporate training is an opportunity to significantly increase the company’s profits. The main task is to build the correct educational line so as not to burden employees and trainers with unnecessary work.

New technologies open up new possibilities and with the advent of LMS – a learning management system – the limitations of the educational process have disappeared. Now you can conduct it at any time and from anywhere. Coaches no longer need to travel from branch to branch to conduct training, and employees do not need to stay after work for several hours for training.

Today we will talk about why corporate training using the platform is effective, how to achieve this result, and analyze the features of LMS implementation.

What is an Enterprise LMS?

LMS is an online corporate training software. The system allows you to improve the professional skills of both new and permanent employees. It can help empower your employees, keep track of their performance and enable them to move up the career ladder. LMS is also suitable for training partners and clients. It is aimed at simplifying the entire educational process, increasing its efficiency, and personalizing classes.

Reasons for introducing the system

5 reasons why you should implement a learning management system:

1. The system supports integration with other programs, which expands the possibilities.

2. Classes are held off schedule, employees have access to materials, and are trained at a convenient time for them.

3. Availability of training from any mobile device, which allows you to take it from anywhere in the world.

4. Saving the budget on fixed costs: conducting mass training, organizing travel, accommodation, and other costs.

5. According to stаtistics, 58% of employees prefer to study independently with the help of LMS.

6. Senior employees may no longer be involved in training new colleagues. Introduction to work and responsibilities occurs automatically, which increases the independence of the new employee and saves the resources of the senior.

The executives of the company also benefit. In addition to saving and increasing profits, they can always track who was trained and when, and most importantly, what was the result. Analytics will improve the program and optimize the process for the company’s goals.

Who will benefit from LMS?

The corporate learning management system is suitable for businesses of any level and area. According to reseаrch, 41.7% of different companies have been able to save large amounts of money using the platform. Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses will be able to conduct training without large financial costs, without being distracted from the work process. LMS will allow large enterprises to organize training for a large number of employees from different branches, regardless of their location.

System development can be done by administrators and IT specialists

Types of LMS

There are the following types of corporate training systems:

1. Open-source. Developers can implement whatever the client wants thanks to open source code. This requires either a full-time IT specialist or periodic cooperation with a team of outsourcers. It is important to manage to create a cohesive hosting architecture and maintain the server at all times. This will require a more significant investment. This type is suitable for non-profit structures because they do not have a license.

2. Commercial. They are developed by the system vendors, so they have a limited number of features and a certain licensing fee. At the same time, the developers completely take over the maintenance and technical support, which saves time and money for companies. It is sometimes offered as a cloud SaaS product.

3. Cloudy. They are offered for implementation on both local and mobile devices. System developers and suppliers are fully responsible for updates, upgrades, and maintenance. They do not take up much storage space, store data reliably, require an insignificant payment for each month/year of use, prevent possible cyberattacks, and do not require constant backups.

4. Local. They are installed on each computer separately, which is a huge budget, provided that the company has even one office. A cumbersome application and a short license, data security threats, and constant attempts to secure the system are unlikely to suit every company.

If you have several branches in different cities in your arsenal, you should opt for open source cloud LMS, and local and commercial systems are more suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.

LMS functionality

Each company can choose a suitable corporate learning management system for itself. There are 3 basic functions that are found in any LMS:

1. Student management. The leader himself decides who will be taught the courses. He can add/remove an employee, assign him a certain role and edit his data, combine several members into a group, and set parameters for it.

2. Materials management. At any time, you can add material to the course, edit it and send it to any participant/group.

3. Analytics. You can track the results of your subordinates at any time.

Additional features that are available on many systems:

1. Calendar. If your corporate training course has scheduled classes, webinars, lectures, and other planned events, you can easily mark them in the calendar. Notifications with the dates and purpose of the event will be automatically sent to students, according to your settings.

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2. Complex program. Implement multiple courses and combine them with each other. Use a specific learning path for him and evaluate the result according to the desired system.

3. Certification. After graduation, LMS can issue a certificate, which will increase employee motivation and help them climb the career ladder.

4. Mobile app. Most corporate training systems are available for mobile devices, which allows employees to take courses anywhere, anytime. Some of them are available even offline. The results of the course will be displayed in the database as soon as the user goes online.

5. Interaction. The platform supports various types of reactions, the same as on social networks. So, everyone who has access to the course can write a review, like, etc. This will improve interaction with the platform and analyze the opinions of employees.

6. Gamification. During training, all employees can compete with each other, receive points and additional prizes for their success. It is a great motivation tool that also makes learning easier

Unfortunately, not all advanced features are available in all LMSs. Choose the most important ones and implement them in your platform.

How does LMS help a business?

First of all, the platform allows you to expand the capabilities and professional skills of all employees. But this is not all that she can help.

Training new employees

After hiring a new employee, the manager should give an introductory course on his work and the work of the company as a whole. The platform eliminates the need to train each employee separately in a new way. The entire course is worked through once and is offered to all beginners.

Following the basic knowledge are more specific courses, which are also compiled once for a long time.

Help: the new employee goes through the course independently, without distracting the senior employee from work, and at the same time he receives all the necessary information.

Product training

Special training in product handling is suitable for both new and permanent employees. It will allow you to refresh your knowledge or start the process of getting to know the product even before it goes on sale. At the end of the training, testing is carried out to check the assimilation of the material. Some workers may need to retake the course.

Help: Increase the company’s bottom line, empower the team, and improve customer service.

Special skills training

For some employees, it is possible to include a special skills training course in the LMS. This is most often useful for technical jobs. It is especially important for them to constantly improve their skills and learn new technological features.

Help: allows employees of any field to keep up with the times and learn all the latest developments in the world of technology, which will significantly improve their skills.

Sales and customer support skills training

Additional sales training will enable your employees to sell better and more. For example, you can add topics to LMS: how to close sales, how to understand what customers need, how to choose a product that will definitely be bought, how to properly handle objections, etc.

Help: Employees will be more prepared to increase sales, be able to better interact with the customer, and provide them with what they need.


Corporate training is a great way to improve the professionalism of employees, motivate them and expand career opportunities. In addition, it increases the company’s profits and affects its status. The LMS platform facilitates the educational process by allowing company employees to complete training at a convenient time and place, as well as better interact with the course.

Choosing the best corporate learning management system is not easy. Decide on the type and set of necessary functions, approach the study of options wisely, because the platform is a large financial investment that should pay off as much as possible and be useful.

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