What is the UKMLA exam & how to prepare for it?

The UK Medical Licensing Assessment (UKMLA) is an indispensable examination for aspiring doctors in the United Kingdom. It serves as a standardized benchmark for evaluating a candidate’s medical knowledge, clinical judgment, and essential skills. The Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) is a central component of the UKMLA, necessitating meticulous preparation from candidates. This article aims to be your comprehensive guide in navigating through every facet of AKT preparation. Before you dive deeper, it’s advisable to read our article on goal setting, which can serve as your foundation for this complex journey ahead.

Understanding the UKMLA AKT Structure

Before you even begin to think about study plans and resources, gaining an in-depth understanding of what you are diving into is crucial. Knowing the structural details of the AKT will not only demystify it but also assist you in crafting your strategies more effectively.

Question Type

The AKT comprises multiple-choice questions (MCQs), a format that might appear simple but often contains traps for the unwary. Understanding how these questions are framed can give you a significant advantage.

Subjects Covered

The AKT does not restrict itself to clinical medicine; it takes a more rounded approach by including questions on statistics, administration, and ethics. This multidisciplinary focus means that you must be a jack-of-all-trades in medical knowledge.


Time is of the essence in the AKT, making it essential to perfect a balance between speed and accuracy. Time management is a skill that you’ll have to practice rigorously through mock tests and timed study sessions.


Crafting a Timetable

Planning is the cornerstone for succeeding in an exam as challenging as the AKT. A well-structured timetable is a tool that can make or break your study regime. Consulting productivity insights from experts like Dr. Alex Trevatt can provide you with the strategies to make your timetable even more effective.


Steps to Create a Timetable

List Down Topics: Begin by making a comprehensive, organized list of all the subjects and topics that the AKT covers.

Allocate Time: With the list at hand, start allocating specific time blocks to each topic. Ensure that you consider your own strengths and weaknesses when doing this.

Prioritize: Weight your time allocation in favor of topics where you need the most improvement. This customization will make your study plan more efficient.

Flexibility: Life is unpredictable. Always incorporate some flexible slots to adjust for unforeseen interruptions or extra reviews.

Breaks: Never underestimate the power of short breaks. These intervals can provide your mind with the much-needed rest and can also be slots for shorter revision or light reading.


Choosing the Right Study Material

The right study material is almost as crucial as your study plan. The market is flooded with books, online courses, and question banks, but not all are equally effective for AKT preparation.

Recommended Resources

Textbooks: Classic books like the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine and Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine should be part of your arsenal.

Question Banks: Using an UKMLA Question Bank is invaluable. This resource gives you access to a wide variety of questions and can help acclimate you to the exam’s pattern and difficulty level.


The Importance of Study Partners in AKT Preparation


While personal study time is invaluable, the addition of a study partner or study group to your AKT preparation can provide an edge that solo studying often lacks. Study partners can offer a myriad of benefits such as accountability, diverse perspectives, and emotional support, thereby enriching your study routine. In many ways, finding a compatible study partner is akin to discovering a workout buddy—the combined focus and drive can lead to better results for both parties.


One of the most significant advantages of having a study partner is accountability. Setting study goals and deadlines is easier when you know someone else is also relying on you for their preparation. This shared sense of responsibility can serve as a powerful motivator, encouraging you to stick to your timetable more religiously. It also provides a subtle competitive element, pushing you to outdo not just yourself but also your partner in understanding the subject matter more comprehensively.

Diversity of Perspectives

Each individual has their unique approach to solving problems and understanding complex topics. When you study with a partner, you get to see problems from a different perspective, which can be incredibly enlightening. For example, a topic in clinical medicine that you find confusing might be your partner’s strong suit, and their explanation could make it easier for you to grasp. Conversely, you might be good at tackling questions on ethics or statistics and could aid them in understanding those areas better. This symbiosis can significantly enhance the depth and breadth of your preparation.

Emotional and Psychological Support

Preparing for a daunting exam like the AKT can be a nerve-wracking experience. The long study hours and the pressure to perform can take a toll on your emotional well-being. A study partner can serve as a sounding board for your frustrations and anxieties, offering emotional and psychological support that is invaluable during this stressful period. Simple gestures like a pat on the back for a job well done or a cup of tea during a late-night study session can make a world of difference in your overall mental state.

Shared Resources and Learning Methods

Another advantage of having a study partner is the pooling of resources. Whether it’s sharing a coveted UKMLA Question Bank subscription or jointly investing in an online course from John Academy, the financial and material benefits are notable. In addition, study partners can also share efficient learning methods they’ve discovered—perhaps one of you has mastered the art of quick note-taking, while the other knows the secrets of effective flashcards.

Active Learning Strategies

Passive learning may provide you with a surface-level understanding, but for an exam as challenging as the AKT, a deeper grasp is required. Employing active learning techniques can significantly boost your retention and understanding of complex topics.



Spaced Repetition: This technique involves revisiting previously learned topics at increasing intervals, which is proven to improve retention.

Interleaved Learning: This involves mixing different but related subjects or topics to provide a more varied learning experience, enhancing your ability to differentiate between similar concepts.

Self-Testing: Continually challenge yourself with quizzes, flashcards, or mini-tests to gauge your understanding and retention.

Discussion Groups: Engaging in discussions with peers or mentors can help solidify your understanding and expose you to different perspectives.


Mock Tests and Assessments

Nothing prepares you better for the exam day than simulating the exact conditions you’ll face. Mock tests provide you with this opportunity, while also allowing you to identify areas for improvement.


Start incorporating full-length mock tests into your study schedule at least two months before the exam. This will give you ample time to adjust your strategies based on your performance.


After each mock test, devote time to a thorough analysis of your answers. Identify your weak points and recalibrate your study plan accordingly.


Don’t just identify your weaknesses; work on them. Allocate time to focus on these areas and use subsequent tests to gauge your improvement.

Handling Stress and Burnout

The journey towards the AKT is long and can be fraught with stress and potential burnout. It’s crucial to take care of your mental health alongside your academic preparations.

Regular Exercise

Physical activity, even if it’s just a 30-minute jog every day, can significantly reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins.

Healthy Eating

Nutrition plays a vital role in how you feel. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can work wonders for your cognitive function and mental health.


Never compromise on sleep. Lack of sleep not only affects your concentration but also hampers memory retention and can lead to burnout.

Final Review and Exam Day Tips

In the final run-up to the exam, your focus should be on consolidation and mental preparation.


Your primary focus should be on revisiting crucial topics, complex formulae, and key concepts that you’ve noted down during your preparation.


Take some time off for relaxation activities that boost your morale and confidence. This can be as simple as reading a book, taking a long walk, or even watching an episode of your favorite series.

Exam Day Tips

Reach Early: Arriving at the exam center well in advance can save you from last-minute stress.

Stay Calm: You’ve prepared well, and worrying won’t change the questions on the paper.

Read Carefully: Always read each question and the provided choices carefully before marking your answer. A single word can often change the meaning of a question significantly.



The UKMLA AKT is not an exam to be taken lightly. It demands meticulous planning, disciplined study, and a balanced lifestyle. The right mix of quality study material, strategic planning, and mental preparedness can make a world of difference in your performance. Remember, the key to success is a blend of consistency and intelligent hard work.

September 8, 2023
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