Small Business Ideas: How To Start Your Own Business In UK? 💡

Do you want to turn your entrepreneurial vision into reality? Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just beginning to explore small business ideas, we are here to help you. 

From choosing a business idea to protecting it and starting a successful small business, this blog covers everything you need to get started. Keep reading to learn how to start your own business in the UK!

Table of Contents

How to Choose the Best Small Business Idea?

Not all business ideas are great ideas. That’s true for small businesses too. And successful businesses need resources, funding, and effort. So, as an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you have to know exactly what you’re getting into. And that starts with a good business idea.


A business idea is basically a concept or plan for starting a business. It’s a concept centred on a product or service with potential financial gain. It drives everything about a firm or company, and it’s why one sets up a fully operational company. And it includes everything from what products or services to offer to how they will be priced, marketed, etc. 

A potential business idea can be:

  • A gap in the market
  • A new product, service, or invention
  • A new way to solve a common problem.
  • A monetisable interest or hobby
  • Utilising existing skills you have or you’ve learned.

A business idea must have the potential to capture its target market. And it must offer something different to customers or add value to existing market products or services. 

Test Learn Grow As You Go!

Serves a Purpose

Why would anyone want to buy a product or service? Does it solve a problem for them? What purpose does it serve? 

Answering these questions helps understand if there’s a need or demand for your product or service. If customers find value in your product, they’ll be willing to bring you business. But you have to make it clear quickly and be more efficient in your efforts than your competitors.

Fills a Gap in the Market

A gap in the market means that businesses don’t currently serve it, but there’s a customer demand for it. So, if a product or service idea can fill a gap in the market, it has excellent potential. 

Ability to Generate Profit

A good idea has a good profitability ratio too. Without proof that your idea can generate a high profit, it’ll be nearly impossible to get investors. So before you think about starting a business, do your research and test your idea well. For instance, you need to know how much it’ll cost to make a product and how much you can sell it for.  

If a potential venture doesn’t have the ability to generate profit, you have to rethink your idea. But if you still want to stick to it, find out how to make it profitable and monetise it.

Financial and Commercial Viability

Financial viability is an important aspect of a good business idea. Entrepreneurs often crowdfund to raise money to finance projects and businesses. The ability to crowdfund a company shows a demand for the product or service. 

A start-up business has many constraints. So, an idea might seem great and profitable at first. But if you can’t make and sell them or provide them, it doesn’t have commercial viability. Your intended business idea must work within your constraints. For example, your capital, available resources etc.

Doesn’t Require Much Training

An excellent small business idea could be leveraging your existing expertise. That would mean you don’t have to invest in training. It will lead to fewer expenses and reduced decision-making time, and you’ll be prepared to deliver products and services confidently. 

You have a better chance of succeeding when you believe in something
and work hard to achieve it.

Low Setup Costs

Every business will have to incur some costs initially. For example, you may have to buy a website domain or a desk. However, a good small business starts with a low start-up fund. Massive funding does not ensure success. Instead, it can break your business, and you might not reach break-even in your business.    

Limited Inventory / Simple Supply Management 

A great business idea only needs a few supplies and very simple inventory management. If your business idea involves selling physical goods, drop-shipping is a good option. You can also make products in small batches.  

Online Based

In this digital world, most of the target audience is online. So, doing business online where you can easily reach your customers makes sense. And it has additional benefits too –

  • More flexibility and work-life balance
  • Low or no commuting costs

You can work straight from your mobile phone or your laptop. 

Requires few People

When starting a small business, it’s unlikely that you will have enough money to pay others to run your business. So, it would be ideal if you could sustainably manage your business by yourself without hiring someone else. Later on, you can hire people as you generate a steady income stream or grow your business.

Online Business Ideas

For those who want to run their business from home, online business is an excellent option. Here is a list of online business ideas that can help you earn with little effort.

1. Online Reseller

An online reseller sells products from other manufacturers on platforms like Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay. The best part of becoming an online reseller is not having to find a new or unique product. You can sell products from other companies with high demand. If you want, you can also sell your used items.

Sometimes resellers add value to the product through customer experience. For example, customer loyalty programs or live chat support. You can sell anything you want as a reseller, but choosing an area of your expertise is better.

Tools Required 

Software for resellers, feedback software, good quality phone or camera.

Skills Required 

You will need a good grasp of SEO, market research, good customer service skills, inventory management, and product photography.

Earning Potential

£25K – £63K per year


Recommended Certification 

You do not need any specific certification to start your career as a reseller. However, the following courses and certifications will be beneficial. 

2. Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is another good source of income. In affiliate marketing, marketers add affiliate links to their blogs and posts. When the visitors click on the affiliate link, a cookie follows their activities for a specific time. If the customer makes a purchase, the marketer receives a certain commission. 

Thus, this income source is best for those who already have blogs, as they can easily add affiliate links. To become an affiliate marketer, you will first have to choose a niche and then find affiliate programs related to your niche. 

Tools Required 

In this online business, the tools you will require are affiliate marketing software, web design software, SEO software etc. 

Skills Required 

Along with good writing skills, you will also need SEO and marketing skills in order to thrive in this area.  

Earning Potential

£32K – £60K per year


Recommended Certification 

You don’t have to acquire any special qualification or certification to become an affiliate marketer. However, there are many online courses on affiliate marketing that can guide you and help you develop essential skills, such as –

3. Content Creator/ Influencer

Right now, becoming a content creator on Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube is one of the most effective sources of passive income. When your follower number reaches 10 thousands, you can start earning from your account.

Content creators create exciting and interesting content to entertain their followers. Before you start making your content, explore your areas of interest and choose your niche. You can make your content on travelling, fashion DIY or anything else that excites you. One thing to keep in mind is regularity. It is important to regularly upload pictures, vlogs or blogs to keep the audience connected.

One can derive substantial income from sponsored partnerships as a content creator or influencer. In addition, you can also earn from paid ads in your channel or paid-only newsletters. 

Tools Required

In this line of work, all you will need are a social media app, a phone, and social media marketing software, and you are good to go.  

Skills Required 

To become an influencer, you will need to have good social media skills, videography and photography skills and the ability to create engaging content.


Recommended Certification 

You don’t need any certificate to become a content creator or influencer. But it certainly helps!

Earning Potential

£28K – £45K per year

4. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a business where people list products on their online shops or websites without purchasing the stock. They don’t need to purchase the products as there is a construct with the suppliers. When the customers order the product the drop shipper informs the suppliers. After order confirmation, the product is sent to the customer by the suppliers. Therefore, you don’t need inventory to sell the products. Also, it saves you from worrying about unsold products.

When you buy from suppliers and sell products, the profit is much higher than dropshipping. But the risk is comparatively low. You need to be careful when you select your suppliers. Make sure they are reliable and do not take too long to deliver the products. 

Tools Required 

You will require dropshipping software and various tools for SEO, web design, customer feedback, camera etc. 

Skills Required 

For this business idea, you will need marketing, advertising, SEO, customer service, and market research.


Recommended Certification 

You don’t need any certification for dropshipping. But it’s good to start this with little expert knowledge.

Earning Potential

An average drop shipper can make around £2000 a month.

5. Sell Print-On-Demand Products

Selling print-on-demand products can be a good business idea as well. Like dropshipping, you don’t have to store products. Also, you don’t have to go through the hassle of printing the products yourself. Your job is to create the designs and send them to POD providers. They will do the rest. 

You can choose a variety of products to print on. For example, t-shirts, mugs, hats, phone cases etc. When the printing is complete, the POD provider will send it to the customers. 

Tools Required 

For this business, you will require graphic design software and printing equipment, marketing tools etc.

Skills Required 

The skills you will need are graphic designing, print designing, customer service etc.


Recommended Certification 

There is no certification required. But you will need knowledge to succeed in this venture.

6. Independent Author

Are you an excellent writer? Do you wish to use your writing talent to secure a career? If yes, you can become an online independent author. You can write anything you like – fiction or nonfiction, short stories or novels and publish it online.

And it’s very important that you edit and proofread your content before publishing. When your book is ready, you can easily publish it on platforms such as Barnes and Noble Press.

Don’t forget to upload the file with a cover and turn it live. Along with earning royalties, you will also get the chance to unpublish it anytime you want.

Tools Required 

You will need a word processor and self-publishing software. 

Skills Required 

To become an independent author, along with excellent writing skills, you will require a solid understanding of proofreading and marketing. 


7. Sell Downloadable Digital Products

Nowadays, digital products like posters, journals, and art prints are quite popular as you can easily download them at home. This small business idea is perfect for those who are creative and have an interest and good skills in design. When you are designing printable digital products, think about paper size, weight, and other printing specifications. 

However, if you feel you are not creative enough to design art prints, you can also design basic customisable templates for sites like Canva, Shutterstock etc. People will buy these templates and customise them according to their requirements. 

Tools Required

You will require graphic designing software and membership in a marketplace such as Canva.

Skills Required

For this business, you will need graphic designing skills, a good sense of art and craft, customer service etc.

Recommended Certification 

8. Publish Subscription-Based Newsletter

You can also make a business out of paid newsletters. You do not need to create a website or blog for publishing newsletters. Just sign up on a platform and you are good to go. 

Effective social media marketing will help you reach wider audiences. So, focus on social media marketing to increase subscribers. Also, when you choose your niche, choose an area of your interest. It will make your job enjoyable and easy.

Tools Required 

Newsletter software and word processor. 

Skills Required 

Skills you will need are writing, social media marketing, editing, digital publishing etc.

9. Start an Online Training or Education Service

As the popularity of online education is increasing rapidly, there are good opportunities in this area. 

Online Training or Education Service

There are three ways you can start your tutoring business. They are –

  1. Online Tutoring

If you have good knowledge and understanding of a specific subject and are able to explain well in a one-to-one setting, then you can go for online tutoring. There are many students who learn better in an individual setting. That’s why there is always demand for one-on-one tutoring. You can use Zoom, Google Meet, Skype etc, for tutoring online.

  1. Online Training

There are many platforms where people buy online training programs. You can set up a course and sell your courses on these platforms. You can also develop written and downloadable study materials in exchange for payment. 

  1. YouTube Educational Videos

You can also upload educational videos and tutorials on YouTube. With the increase in viewers, you can start monetising your videos and earn from them. You should do a lot of marketing on social media platforms to increase your viewers.

Tools Required 

You will need tools such as video communication software, phone or camera, video editing software and online course software.

Earning Potential

£28K – £51K per year.

Skills Required 

To become an online tutor, you will need good teaching and communication skills, marketing skills etc.

Course Recommendation –

10. Transcript Videos, Shows, and Podcasts

Transcribing is writing down speeches on paper. A transcriber is a person who writes down different types of speech from videos, audio clips etc. With good listening and writing skills, you can start your own transcription business. You can offer freelance services on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.

This business is ideal for those who want a part-time income source. In order to ensure correct transcription, you will need to hear the audio several times. If your customers find errors in your work, they will restrain from giving you work in future. 

Tools Required

You will need good-quality headphones and a reliable word processor. 

Earning Potential

£22K – £41K per year

Skills Required 

Good listening skills with fast and accurate typing ability.

Course Recommendation –

11. Start a Remote Tech Support Business

Starting a remote tech support business is perfect for individuals with good IT skills. If you are a tech-savvy person, you can try your lack in this area. Usually, there are no dedicated IT specialists in small business. So, they seek people with good computer knowledge when they have computer or network issues. You can provide technical assistance to these businesses from your home through remote desktop software.

For building your tech support business, you can reach out to friends and family and your local business that may require IT support. You should also use platforms like Upwork to get more calls for tech support.

Tools Required

For this job, you will need a good computer setup with an undisrupted internet connection and remote desktop software.

Skills Required

It is quite obvious that you will require excellent IT skills. In addition, good marketing skills are also important.


Recommended Certification 

Some employers may want a degree, while others may ask for good IT knowledge. So, it’s good to have both. Recommended courses

12. Start a Telecoaching Business

If you have the ability to connect with people and help them reach their goals and potential, you may consider starting a telecoaching business.  It involves – People + Process + Technology.

There are people who look for one-to-one learning opportunities rather than being with a group. These individuals not only want lessons but also want advice and guidance. That’s the idea behind telecoaching. But there are many types of specialised niches in coaching:

  • Life coaching
  • Career coaching
  • Wellness coaching
  • Performance coaching
  • Skills coaching
  • Financial coaching
  • Spiritual coaching

Telecoaching is usually conducted by video communication software like Skype, Zoom or Google Meet.

You should select a subject you have a solid understanding of and should focus on providing guidance rather than grades or homework. You can market your telecoaching program through regular blog posts or appearances on LinkedIn.

Tools Required 

You will need video communication software such as Zoom, Skype etc.

Earning Potential

£30 – £150 per hour


 Skills Required 

Good communication and advising skills will be helpful.

Recommended Course –

13. Start an Online Corporate Counsel Firm

If you have a degree in law, you can start an online corporate counsel firm. Corporations seek lawyers for advice on legal matters. You can provide legal advice to corporations and corporate workers on how to keep their legal issues in order. However, you have to inform your clients that you are here only to guide them. They should be aware that you will not represent them in court.

You have to pass your bar exam to become a counsellor. Without professional certification, you can not start a legal farm.  

Tools Required 

For giving legal advice, you will require communication software like Google Meet, Skype, Zoom etc. along with devices to run them.

Skills Required 

In this business, you will need legal skills, communication, and marketing skills. 


Recommended Certification 

It is mandatory to have a bar exam certification.  

Earning Potential

£50,000- £100,000 per year

14. Online Business Consultant

An online business consultant is someone who helps businesses with their operations, finances, marketing and other areas without being physically present. The role of a business consultant may depend on the needs and requirements of the business organisations. However, some basic duties are market research, data analysis, planning for business development, developing financial or marketing strategies etc. 

Starting your own business in the UK does come with numerous challenges, such as staying informed about market trends and legal requirements. For those entering the legal field, understanding state-specific bar exams is crucial. If you are an aspiring lawyer, passing exams like the MBE can open up numerous opportunities. Resources like Quimbee provide comprehensive guides for those studying to pass crucial exams.

Tools Required 

To become an online business consultant, you will need communication software, business analysis software etc.

Skills Required 

Communication, business analysis, marketing, and organisational skills are required in this line of work.

Earning Potential

£33,000- £66,000 per year

Recommended Certification 

You will require a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business to become a business consultant. Some organisations prefer MBA or accredited certifications as well. 

Recommended Course –

Best Home Business Ideas

Business ideas that you can actually implement straight from your home. Sounds interesting, right? If you think so, here are a some of the best home business ideas that you may want to look into –

1. Professional Organiser

Decluttering and organising is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some people don’t have the time, and some don’t have the patience or inclination to get it done. That’s where professional organisers come in. So, ask yourself, do you enjoy organising and finding order in a chaotic mess? Is your home arranged attractively? If it’s positive, you should grab a bunch of storage bins and a label maker and get started!

As a professional organiser, you will be able to make your clients’ lives better by helping them make the most of their space through decluttering and organising. You’ll be organising other people’s lives and belongings for a living!

APDO – Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers is the association for decluttering and organising professionals. If you need any insights or training, feel free to check them out.

Tools Required

  • Label Maker
  • Storing Containers 
  • Furniture Sliders 
  • Moving Supplies

Recommended Course –

Skills Required 

  • Organisational systems
  • Office space planning
  • Storage solutions
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Real estate
  • Good communication skills

2. Start a Beauty Business

Beauty and cosmetics is a thriving industry. If you’re into the idea of giving people a boost of self-confidence and making them feel good about themselves, starting a beauty business is a good idea. 

A beauty business focuses on products, services, or both related to personal grooming, skincare, cosmetics, and overall beauty enhancement. Beauty businesses can take various forms, including salons, spas, cosmetic stores, online beauty retailers, beauty consulting services, and more. 

You can cater to both men and women and offer a wide range of services and products to meet their customers’ diverse needs and preferences. Starting and running a beauty business requires careful planning, market research, and a solid understanding of the industry. 

Before you pursue this, it’s essential that you assess your target market, competition, and financial aspects to create a viable business model. Also, focusing on quality, customer satisfaction, and a unique selling proposition can help differentiate a beauty business in a saturated market.

Tools Required 

You’ll need specialised tools and equipment based on your business. It could require one or more of the following tools.

  • Hairdressing and barbering 
  • Nail technology
  • Tanning
  • Massage
  • Waxing

Skills Required 

Specialised skills will be required for a specialised beauty business, such as a nail salon or spa.

beauty business tools

Unique skills required for a beauty business may include hair cuts, hair colouring, hairstyling, makeup artistry, nail art, skincare, massage therapy and more beauty treatments.

Licensing, Regulation and Certification

There may be some licensing requirements depending on your niche. You can check out The Hair and Beauty Industry Authority. It’s a government-approved Standard Setting Body (SSB) for the hair, beauty, nails, spa, and aesthetic sectors.

You may also want to check the British Association of Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology (BABTAC) for beauty expertise, ethical code and professional practice standards.

Recommended Course –

Earning Potential

Earning potential may vary depending on various factors such as location, marketing efforts, etc. That being said, you’re more likely to make smaller annual profits than a well-established business at first. For example, salon owners can earn well over £100,000 per year in profits alone.

3. Create an Online Fashion Boutique

If you worship fashion and think you have a great fashion sense, consider opening a fashion boutique online. Creating an online fashion boutique can be an exciting venture. You can create designs from scratch or curate items from other vendors, or try dropshipping.

You get to choose the specific segment of the fashion market you want to target. It could be women’s clothing, men’s fashion, luxury accessories, sustainable fashion, or any other niche that interests you. Find what could set your boutique apart and how you can cater to the needs and preferences of your customers.  

Understand your market, competitors and trends, and combine those with effective marketing strategies, pricing models, and financial projections for a roadmap to success. Already have a catchy name for your fashion boutique? Then build your website or use e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce, integrate secure payment methods and invest in good photography and marketing for optimum success.

You can create a successful online fashion boutique with the right mindset, skills, and strategies.

Tools Required

  • Boutique equipment – clothing rack, shelves, storage bins, shipping scale, packaging supplies
  • Good laptop with reliable Wi-Fi
  • Camera or smartphone
  • Lights, props or backdrops

Skills Required 

Fashion knowledge, networking, digital marketing, business skills, organisational skills etc.

Licensing, Regulation and Certification

Clothing is not a strictly regulated area in the UK. So, you will only need a permit if you’re trading at a market. 

If you need clarification on whether licensing may apply to your specific business, contact your local authority trading standards department for guidance. 

Recommended Course –

4. Caterer

For individuals with a passion for cooking, catering is an effective business idea. If you love cooking, you can start your entrepreneurial journey with catering. As a caterer, your role will be preparing meals for a large number of people. So, work on your skills and collect all the essential kitchen equipment before you start.
At first, your friends, family and neighbours can be your customers. This is an effective way to improve your skills and market the business at the same time. In the initial stages, you may not require employees. However, when your business starts to expand, you might need some helping hands.

Tools Required 

  • Cooking Equipment 
  • Oven 
  • Outdoor Cooler
  • Storage Boxes

Skills Required

Cooking skills, time management, organisation, customer service, food safety management

Earning Potential  

You can expect to earn around £22,000 annually at the start of your catering business. With more experience and expanding client base, you can earn up to £40,000 per year.

Licencing, Regulations and Certification

In the UK, it is mandatory for food businesses to apply for food business registration at least 28 days before they open. In addition, you will also need level 2 food safety qualifications to sell food in the UK. 

A formal certificate will not be required for your catering business, but it is suggested to take food safety and hygiene courses to deliver safe food. 

Recommended Courses –

5. Herb Farming

From cooking to making medicines, herbs are used in various ways. Therefore, the demand for herbs is ever-growing. If you are into farming and gardening, you can start your own herb farm. 

The best part of herb farming is that, unlike other crops, they can grow in comparatively smaller areas. So you can use your backyard and plant your herbs. Once you have cultivated the herbs, you can sell them in your local market, restaurants, herbal medication specialists etc. 

You can either focus on a specific herb or grow a variety of herbs. No matter which option you go for, ensure you have adequate knowledge of the farming stages. Furthermore, it is also crucial to have a clear understanding of the nutritional requirements of herbs, soil and other facts that may impact the outcome.

You can also go for organic farming and avoid using chemical pesticides and fertilisers. This will help grow health-friendly herbs and increase sales as people prefer organically grown food. 

Tools Required 

  • Harvesting area with planters and soil mix
  • Herb seeds and fertilisers
  • Farming tools – kitchen shears/herb snipper, thorn or leaf stripper, pruner, watering can, gloves etc.
  • Herb harvester, herb preserver etc.

Skills Required

  • A solid working knowledge of growing and nurturing herbs
  • Marketing and general business knowledge

Licensing, Regulations and Certification 

No licensing is required to grow and sell fresh herbs in the UK. 

There are a few regulations regarding pesticide use, water management etc., in the UK. Make sure you follow those regulations while farming.


Recommended Course –

Earning Potential 

A herb farmer’s earning potential depends on different factors such as farm size, market demand, the type of herbs you are growing, how much you are growing, etc.

6. Voice-over Artist

Audiobooks, explainer videos, program intro, film dubbing and a vice-over artist is required in many other areas. They help creators enhance the content and make it sound more professional. If you have a good voice and know how to speak clearly, you can become a voice-over artist.

To become a successful voice-over artist, practice, and variation are important. So, you need to practice different voice ranges, accents, languages, and speech variations. Some artists are also able to make different sounds and noises. You will receive more customers if you can provide a variety of services. 

Your voice is your main investment in this business. So, make sure to take good care of your voice and avoid things that can hamper or change it.

Tools Required 

  • Microphone 
  • Headphone 
  • Audio Recorder 
  • Audio Interface 

Earning Potential

The number of work you have will impact your earning potential. However, in the UK, a beginner-level voice artist can earn around £28K per year, and an experienced professional can earn nearly £66K.

Skills Required 

Clear articulation, controlling the pitch of the voice.

Licensing, Regulations, and Certification 

In the UK, there is no licence required to become a voice-over artist. Furthermore, you don’t need any professional certification or a degree to start this business. 

Recommended Course –

7. Create Homemade Products to Sell Online

The popularity of homemade products is increasing. People love to shell out for things that are made with love and care, even if they cost more. That’s why it is a good business to start for beginners.

Some people love to cook, some people love making candles, while others enjoy knitting. No matter your hobby, you can monetise it by selling online. For example, if your talent lies in handcrafts, you can make beautiful pieces and sell them online. Also, you can allow the customers the freedom to customise the products.

You can start your business by opening a shop on Etsy or Facebook marketplace. Instagram is also an excellent option to sell homemade products.

Tools Required 

The tools will depend on what type of products you are making. But for basic business operations, you will need –

  • Digital marketing software
  • Photo editing software
  • Phone or camera

Earning Potential

Different products have different rates of demand in the market. Along with that, the location, size of your business and accessibility to raw materials play a significant role in the earning potential of homemade products.

Skills Required 

Different types of products will need different types of skills. But, there are some core skills required for any kind of business. These skills are customer management, marketing, financial management etc. 

Licensing, Regulations and Certification

Selling homemade products online usually does not require any licensing or certification. However, it is suggested to check with the local authorities to avoid legal issues. 

8. Packing Services Facilitator

Moving from one place to another can be a lot of work, especially packing. You can offer services for people who don’t want to undergo this time-consuming process. Unlike a moving company, this service does not require a big investment. With only a few essential packing tools, you can start your business.

You can stick to a particular type, such as commercial packing or residential packing service. However, as a beginner, it will be wise to stick to residential service. You will need to handle delicate tools or heavy equipment for commercial service. You can start commercial services once you have gathered enough expertise and are ready for a bigger investment. 

However, you can offer packaging services to small offices or shops too. In this business, you may have to hire some extra hands as working alone can be quite time-consuming, which can lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Tools Required 

  • Packing Tape
  • Bubble Wraps 
  • Packing Peanuts
  • Utility Knife
  • Strach Warps 
  • Packing Papers

Skills Required 

Packing, customer service, marketing

Licensing, Regulations and Certifications

There are no specific licenses or regulations for a packing service. However, you should follow the basic business regulations and register your business according to UK law.

Moreover, you don’t need a degree or professional qualification to open a packing service facilitating business.

Recommended Course –

Earning Potential 

Form a small to medium-sized packing business, your earning potential can be around £20,000 to £100,000 annually. But there are a few factors, such as the location, market demand, and the services you provide, that can impact the numbers.

9. Interior Designer

An interior designer turns their clients’ visions into reality. This job is perfect for a creative individual who can transform a space. You can also try your luck in interior design if you are one of these individuals.

As an interior designer, your job is to develop layouts for different spaces. Also, while designing, you must consider the requirements of the clients. You can polish up your skills and build your portfolio by designing spaces for your friends and family.

Then you can develop your brand online and regularly update pictures of your designs. This will help you find new customers and expand your business. In addition, you can collaborate with different furniture brands, home decor shops for better results.

Tools Required 

  • Interior design software 
  • Drawing/CAD tools
  • Colour wheel, paint chips, fabric samples, measuring tape  
  • Digital camera.
  • Digital marketing software 

Skills Required 

Designing, customer service, marketing, communication

Licence, Regulations, and Certifications

Anyone from any background can become an interior designer in the UK, as there are no statutory regulations related to this area. In addition, a formal degree in Interior design or professional certification is not needed. 

However, you can take online courses on interior design and increase your expertise in this area. 

Recommended Course –

Earning Potential

The average income of an interior designer in the UK is around £35,000 per year. But after gathering more experience and expanding your client base, you can earn nearly  £47,000 annually.

10. Vacation Host

A vacation host provides accommodation and other services to travellers. These hosts usually rent their properties to short-time travellers. Some of them also provide food and maintenance services. So, if you are a homeowner, you can start a business as a vacation host.

You can either rent your property or make it a bed and breakfast. A bed and breakfast means you have to provide them with breakfast and cleaning services, but you don’t have these responsibilities for renting. 

In addition to providing clean and comfortable accommodation, you must also ensure safety. So, ensure you have taken the necessary steps to provide security and protection for the guests.

Tools Required 

  • Accommodation 
  • Market research software 
  • Accounting software
  • Cleaning supplies 
  • Cooking supplies and equipment 

Skills Required 

Hospitality, customer service, health and safety management, organisation.

Earning Potential 

Profit from this business demands largely on the accommodation, other services, location, pricing strategies and the customer service you will provide.

Licencing, Regulations and Certifications

If you plan to offer short-time rentals through rental platforms like Airbnb, you should check with your local authorities about the law and regulations. 

Some cities also may require you to follow certain safety standards, tax obligations or licencing requirements. So, look into your local council and learn about legal issues before starting your business. 

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Best Small Business Ideas

There are hundreds of small business ideas. So, it can become a bit confusing to find the right one. But don’t worry; we’ve made it easy for you. 

Here is a list of some of the best small business ideas you can choose from.

1. Open a Local Consignment Shop

Vintage clothes and second-hand items are sold in a consignment shop. Opening a consignment shop is best for those who want to avoid the risk of investing in a brand-new inventory. First, you have to choose a niche for this business. Then, collect the products according to the demand of your target audiences.

If you want, you can run the shop both online and offline. To sell the products online, you can sign up on e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Etsy, Alibaba etc. Conducting your business both online and offline will increase your profit margin.

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2. Poultry Farming

poultry farming

British diners’ appetite for poultry meat (i.e., chicken) isn’t expected to decline anytime soon. That is why poultry farming is a thriving industry in the UK. Chicken, turkey, ducks, and geese are considered as poultry. Thus, breeding, earring and producing meat and egg falls under the category of poultry farming.

For example, chicken is the UK’s most popular meat. So you may decide to breed chicken. You can choose between broilers for meat production or layers for egg production. Whichever poultry you choose, make sure you have enough expertise on it before you start this venture.

Be sure to check out Guidance on Animal Welfare and relevant regulations and restrictions.

Learn more about – Poultry Farming for Beginners: How to Start.

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3. Provide Fitness or Personal Training

You can become a personal trainer if you are a fitness enthusiast with a broad understanding of health and fitness. As a personal trainer, your responsibilities include assessing the clients, creating workout programs, demonstrating the exercise and motivating them.

In the UK, to become a personal trainer, you will need to have a basic understanding of first aid. Along with first aid training, you will require recognised certification such as the Level 2 Gym Instructor and Level 3 Personal Trainer qualifications.  

To acquire more clients, you have to pay attention to marketing and self-branding. You can open accounts on different social media platforms and upload transformation pictures of your clients. Also, you can make your own workout videos and post them. It is an effective way to demonstrate your expertise and attract more clients.

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4. Coach Others on Life or Career Moves

Becoming a life or career coach is ideal for those who have experience in personal and professional development. You can try out for life or career coaching if you have the ability to navigate through life and career.

Taking serious career decisions or making life-changing choices can be a difficult task. That’s why people look for expert advice and don’t hesitate to pay a good amount. Usually, you do not need any formal degree to become a life coach or a career advisor. However, acquiring training and a certificate to prove your abilities will help you build credibility among your customers. 

You should use social media marketing and word of mouth to attract more customers. If you want, you can provide guidance offline and online through different communication software like Zoom or Skype. 

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5. Become an Online Dating Consultant

Online dating platforms have changed the dynamics of finding partners. If you find joy in helping others find their perfect match, you can become an online dating consultant.

As an online dating consultant, your job is to assist others in building their dating profiles. They also coach people on dating and help them increase their chances of finding a compatible match. 

You are required to possess good communication skills, interpersonal skills, empathy and emotional intelligence, To become an online dating consultant.

However, to become an online dating consultant, you do not need any special qualifications. You can begin your business by opening a website and listing your services there.

6. Offer Car-detailing Services

Due to the increase in automobiles, car detailing service has become a profitable industry. In order to start your car detailing service, you will require some tools and equipment. Even though you will not require any formal degree, a good understanding of automobile servicing is essential. 

Customer satisfaction is very important in this business. When your customers are happy, they suggest your services to others. Along with customer service, you must use social media to promote your business. It is a cheap and effective way to engage more potential customers. You can also take online bookings from customers to deliver a better customer experience. 

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7. Plan Events, Conferences, Company Meetings

Parties, weddings, meetings, or funerals – some events are always happening, and event planners are never out of customers. If you are skilled in managing, organising and decorating, you can use your skills and start an event management business. You can either work on specific events like weddings or conferences or become the jack of all.

At first, you should stick to the smaller events like birthday parties or small meetings. When you gather enough experience, you can move to bigger ones. The best way you can market your event planning business is through social media. You can post beautiful pictures of your events and attract new customers.

You don’t need any special qualifications to start your event planning business. However, it will be advantageous to develop the skills needed for event planning. You can try out online courses available on e-learning platforms to work on your skills.

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8. Open a Private Accounting Firm

If you have a degree or a professional certificate in accounting, then you can start your own private accounting firm. You can provide accounting services like bookkeeping, payroll management, financial risk analysis etc to businesses. However, you can also aim to provide services to individuals. You can help them manage their finances and provide financial advice. 

The best part about starting your own private accounting firm is that you have the chance to earn more than working for a company. You can set up your own pricing and go for high-value clients. You can start a small firm, gradually employ more people, and expand your business.

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9. Domiciliary Care Agency for the Elderly

If you are looking for a business idea that will not only be an income source but also a way to help people. A domiciliary care agency is responsible for providing care and support to elderly individuals in their familiar home environment. In order to build your agency, you will have to hire skilled workers who have experience working with older people. 

In the beginning, you can start with a few workers. If you are able to receive good profit, you can hire more workers and expand your agency. In this profession, providing quality customer care is the key. Hence, it is crucial to make sure every customer is satisfied with the services. 

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Profitable Business Ideas

The first step of becoming a successful entrepreneur is to find an idea that will work in the market. A list of profitable business ideas is given below to give you inspiration for your business.

1. E-commerce Store Owner

When it comes to profitable businesses, e-commerce businesses are among the most profitable ones. For your e-commerce business, you can source products from others or make your own products. If you have a hobby like painting, pottery, handcrafting etc., you can make and sell your products and turn your passion into a successful business. 

The best part about e-commerce stores is you do not need to invest in a physical store and inventory. Thus, the risk is comparatively less in e-commerce stores. You can start your business by creating a website or building a page on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram etc. However, digital marketing is an important aspect of e-commerce stores. So, before you open your e-commerce store, develop a clear understanding of digital marketing. 

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2. House Cleaner

The demand for skilled house cleaners is always high. You can start your house cleaning business with little equipment and no significant investment. You can reach out to friends and family for cleaning jobs. In addition, you should contact local small businesses as the pay is better. 

There is no special training or certification required for this business. If you know the basic cleaning techniques, you are good to go. To get more customers, you should focus on networking and getting referrals from the people you work for. Initially, you may do it independently, but if your business goes well, you can get employees and earn more. 

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3. Property Manager

People hire property managers to look after the properties they don’t live in. The role of a property manager involves keeping the property well-maintained, managing the renters, ensuring security and a few more. To become a property manager, you will not need any professional certifications. 

However, you will need good communication, management, customer service and organisational skills. It will be beneficial if you can join a property management company and gather some experience before you start your property management business.

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4. Consultant

If you specialise in a particular area, you can become a consultant. For example, if you have a great knowledge and understanding of interior design, you can become an interior designing consultant. However, some subjects require professional qualifications, such as mental health or business. If you do not have professional qualifications, try to avoid those subjects.

Before you open your consulting business, do market research, as many consulting industries can be highly competitive. You can run your consulting business both physically and online. This will increase the potential for receiving more clients. In addition to consulting, you will require excellent communication skills and marketing skills. 

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5. Social Media Manager

With the increase in social media usage, the demand for social media managers is growing day by day. As a social media manager, your job is to manage social media accounts for businesses or even individuals. The best part about becoming a social media manager is that you can work remotely and have flexible hours.

In order to carry out your responsibilities, you will require some basic skills like, content creation, social media marketing, advertising, customer engagement and networking. There are no formal qualifications or certifications needed to start your business.

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6. Home Renovator

If you have a good understanding of house construction, repairing, plumbing and electrical wiring, you can open a home renovating business. Renovating homes can be quite costly, so the profit margin is also good. For this business, you have to invest in the basic tools and equipment required for renovation. Hiring skilled professionals is also important, as you don’t want to ruin someone’s home while fixing it. 

Before you start your renovating business, make sure you are well aware of the laws and regulations. In addition, make sure you have the licence, insurance, and other legal requirements in place. 

Recommended Course –  

7. Information Security Professional

Individuals with good IT security skills can open an IT security service. From big corporations to small businesses, IT security is crucial for everyone. Thus, there is a high demand for skilled IT security professionals. So, you can open an information security service business if you have adequate skills and expertise. 

As an IT security provider, your responsibilities will include ensuring data security, protecting the business from cyber threats, protecting the business from hackers and scammers etc.

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8. Coffee Shop Owner


Coffee has become a daily necessity. So with the right tactics and good coffee, opening a coffee shop can be profitable. If you don’t want to build the shop from scratch, you can invest in buying an existing shop. You can also open a franchise from a renowned brand so that people already know about your business.

To start a coffee shop, you must have the basic skills for making coffee and the equipment. If you have a hand for baking, you can also add baked goods to your coffee shop. This will help you bring in more customers.

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9. Moving Company

Moving from one house to another or shifting offices is a lot of work. That’s why, most of the time, people hire professional moving services. As a result, this is a good business venture and does not require any specialised skills or certification. 

To start your moving business, you will need a truck or a minivan with a valid driving licence. You can just provide packing services if you don’t have a van or truck. After you establish your packing service business, then, you can gradually move towards investing in a truck or van and start your moving company. 

10. Gym Owner

If you are ready for a big investment, opening a gym can be profitable. You can start your own gym if you understand health and fitness well. You can either open a franchise or create an entirely new brand. To open a gym, you will need to invest in expensive tools and equipment. Also, it is important to conduct proper marketing and advertising.  

Along with fitness, you should also have some basic first-aid skills. People can get hurt during exercise and may require immediate treatment. Hence, it is important to acquire basic first-aid training to ensure the safety of your clients.

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11. Become a Technical Writer

A technical writer is someone who writes technical documents, for example, instruction manuals, journal articles, reference guides etc. Their duty also includes breaking down complex technical documents and making them easily understandable to non-technical readers. Becoming a technical writer is feasible if you have an in-depth understanding of a certain area and are well aware of the technical jargon.

You can work for different companies from your home. Thus, in this business, you will not require a lot of investments; instead, you will need good writing skills. There is also no formal qualification or certification required for technical writing.

Side Business Ideas

Having a side hustle can be helpful for you. It will allow you to keep your 9-5 secure job and give you more financial stability. 

There are different types of side businesses, and here are some of them.


1. Freelance Copywriting or Content Writing

If you have a good command of writing and enjoy writing, freelance copywriting or content writing can be a good call. 

To secure content writing jobs, you have to choose a niche, for example, medical writing, lifestyle or fashion, technical writing etc. After selecting your area of interest, you have to prepare some sample pieces on Upwork or Fiverr so that you can demonstrate your writing skills to your potential clients.

There are no formal qualifications required for freelance writing. However, if you can provide certifications or proof of receiving training, it will be beneficial. Along with good writing skills, keyword research, SEO and communication skills will come in handy. 

In the beginning, you may earn around £33k per year. However, with more time and experience, you can earn nearly £78k annually.

2. Freelance Graphic Designer

Companies look for graphic designing services for building company websites, portfolios, digital posters and more. If you have graphic designing skills and the necessary software and tools, utilise them to secure extra income.

You don’t even have to go outside your home for this side business. You can get work from national and international clients through platforms like Upwork. 

As an experienced freelance graphic designer, you can earn around £200 to £400 per day. However, the numbers will not be this high in the beginning stages. 

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3. Freelance Videographer

Videography is a viable income source for those with skills and expertise in this area. Make a few reels and upload them to your website to attract clients. You can also use Facebook and Instagram pages for marketing your work. In this business, you can target a particular niche or work on a variety of projects as you wish. 

You will not require any certification to become a freelance videographer. However, you have to invest quite a bit of money to purchase videography equipment. The income of freelance photographers depends on their expertise and the time they invest. On average, in the UK, they can earn around  £21,000 per year.

4. Freelance Photographer

Freelance photography is an excellent side business for individuals who are passionate about photography. You can start your business by opening a page on Facebook or Instagram. Then take photos of your friends and family and post the pictures to get clients. You can either specialise in one area, like wedding photography, portraits etc. or stay open to all kinds. 

For freelance photography, you don’t need any degree. However, taking photography courses will be advantageous as you can learn new photography tips and tricks. In addition, it will allow you to understand the techniques of using different photography equipment.

In the UK, a freelance photographer can earn around £28K per year. When they gain more skills and experience, they can get nearly £47K per year.

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5. Freelance Developer

Web development is another profitable business you can run with your regular job. However, you must be highly skilled in web development and possess the required software. As a web developer, your job is to develop websites for companies and provide them with technical support. 

To build your web development business, you may require some professional training. There are many online training programs available; you can select your preferred courses and build up the essential skills.

As a freelance web developer in the UK in the initial stage, you can earn around £15 to £30 per hour, according to the project’s complexity. However, when you can take on more complex projects, your earning potential will be around £50 to £150 per hour or even more.

6. Ride-share Driving

If you have a car and a valid licence, you can start your ride-sharing business any day. You can sign up for ride-sharing platforms like Uber and get your passengers through the app. To earn well from ride-share driving, you have to provide quality customer service, as they will rate you according to your services.

The best part about this job is you can pick up passengers on your way to work and while coming home. As a ride-share driver, your income will depend on the amount of rides you take. Generally, the lowest income of a full-time driver is £31,000 per year, and the highest amount is around £223,000 per year.

7. Lawn Care Service

Lawn care service is a business that provides essential maintenance and care for residential and commercial lawns. This business helps property owners maintain beautiful and aesthetically pleasing lawns. For this business, you will require a basic understanding of lawn care and the equipment. 

The success of your lawn care business depends on your expertise and customer service. You can use online booking services and payment systems to give your customers a better experience. 

In the UK, a full-time lawn care service provider, on average, earns around £21,500 per year. However, you may earn a little less as it will be your side business and not the main income source.

8. Coding

Providing coding services is also an excellent way to earn something extra. If you are good at different types of coding, you can offer coding services from your home. As a coder, your responsibilities will include creating, optimising and maintaining software applications that cater to the particular needs of the customers. 

To become a coder, you must have good skills in different programming languages and tools. Effective communication and the ability to collaborate with clients are also important to thrive in this business.

In this line of work, training is very important. You can take online courses and learn from your home. This course will help you provide better services to your customers. In the initial stages, you can earn around £30 per hour. However, you can earn around £150 hourly when you take on more difficult jobs.

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9. Data Entry Professional

The responsibilities of a data entry professional include collecting and inputting data from different sources. For data entry, you must maintain a high accuracy level to prevent errors. To thrive in this business, you will require skills like typing, basic computer and software skills, and strong communication skills. 

In addition, you will need to have a solid understanding of data security and privacy regulations. The earning potential of your data entry business will depend on the amount and type of work you will be doing.

10. Audio or Video Editor

Audio or video editing services deliver services to individuals, companies, content creators, etc.; their job is to enhance the audio or video quality and help create engaging content. If you offer video editing services, you have to work with raw footage and make them presentable by trimming, adding effects, colour corrections, adding transitions and more. You will also require software and different video editing tools along with video editing skills.

As a video editor, the lowest earning potential is around £42,000, and the highest is nearly £72,000 annually. 

Audio editing services include refining and enhancing audio recordings. It also includes mixing audio, removing background noise, adjusting volume, balancing frequencies and optimising it for different platforms. Like video editing, you will require some essential tools and software. 

In the UK, as an audio editor, you can earn £23,000 in the starting. However, more experienced and skilled professionals have an earning potential of around £36,000 per year.

11. Become a Freelance Personal Assistant / Virtual Assistant

A personal assistant is someone who assists business owners or executives in administrative work. If you are well-organised and good at time management and communication, becoming a personal assistant can be a great option for you. 

As a freelance personal assistant, you can choose who you want to work for. In addition, you can become a virtual assistant and work for both national and international organisations. Also, working as a visual assistant allows you to work during your preferred work hours. 

To start a freelance personal assistant business, you have to reach out to business owners and other potential employers. You can establish a network with them through LinkedIn or business events.

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Best Businesses to Start with Little Money

Sometimes, even though people have the desire and potential to run a successful business, they can’t due to lack of capital. But not all businesses require a large sum of money. Many businesses need just a little investment, and you are good to go. 

Here are some of the best business ideas you can start with little money.

  1. 1. Translator 

Translating is an excellent example of a low-investment business. If you are multilingual and have some basic tools like a laptop, headphones etc., you can become a translator. The role of a translator may include document translating, website information translation, book or magazine translation and more. 

To become a translator, you will not need any specialised degree. However, it will be advantageous if you can polish up your language skills. 

  1. 2. Travel Planner

Are you a travel enthusiast? Are you an expert in planning exciting tips? Then you can become a travel planner. A travel planner designs and plans the trip, including hotels, locations to visit, restaurants etc, for their clients. The role of a travel planner is to ensure that their clients can make the most out of their trips. 

For your travel planning business, all you have to do is plan the trip; you are not responsible for booking hotels or tour guides. In this business, you will require a vast knowledge of different travel destinations. If your business goes according to the plan gradually, you can expand it and start a travel agency!

  1. 3. Tutor 

Whether you are excellent in maths or play beautiful guitar, whatever skills you possess, you can transfer to others through tutoring and begin earning. You can use word of mouth or social media posts to get clients. So, there is no need for any investment to start your tutoring business. 

You can teach your students physically and online as well. If you tutor online, you can reach a wider audience and teach from the comfort of your home. In addition, you can develop courses and sell them on different e-learning platforms. 

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  1. 4. Home Staging

If you are passionate about interior designing and looking for an opportunity for a low-investment business, then home staging is perfect for you. Home staging is preparing a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. It is designed to showcase a home’s best assets to impress buyers, and sell it quickly. 

You can practise and build your home staging business by staging the homes of your friends and family with their existing furniture. When your business takes off, you can get your own inventory. 

Networking is the key for home staging businesses. To get clients, you must network with local realtors and attend real estate events. Once you have worked with the first few clients, you can put up the pictures on your website and attract potential customers. 

  1. 5. Blogger

In today’s world of technology, blogging has become a lucrative and easily accessible business. This business idea is perfect for an individual who has good writing skills and looking for an opportunity to monetise their talent. 

To become a blogger, first, you should select your niche and develop content targeting your audience. In this case, it is better to choose an area that interests you, as it is important for creating quality content.

As a blogger, you can earn from the sponsored ads of different products related to your niche and also affiliate links. You can also create your own digital products or collaborate with brands. In addition to low investment, another advantage of blogging is that it is an excellent source of passive income. 

  1. 6. Personal Chef

Not everyone has the time to cook every day. Thus, there are many people out there who look for personal chefs who can save them the hassle of cooking. So, if you find joy in cooking, then becoming a personal chef can be well suited for you. You can cook for individuals, parties, offices, weddings etc. 

To become a personal chef, you will not require any culinary degree. But if you can secure training on topics like food health and safety, food allergens and HACCP regulations, it will help you build trust amongst your customers.

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  1. 7. Resume and Cover Letter Writer

Resumes and cover letters play a significant role in securing employment. Thus, many people seek expert professionals who can build attractive resumes and cover letter templates for them. You can provide services like writing a well-structured resume, developing convincing cover letters, building and editing portfolios etc. 

This venture requires very little investment and some basic software for writing and designing resumes. Before you start your business, create a few sample resumes and cover letters to show your clients.

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  1. 8. Coaching for Exam

Exam stresses out everyone. Even after preparing for months, students can feel unprepared due to nervousness. This is where an exam coach comes in. 

The job of an exam coach is to teach the students different strategies to ease their stress. In addition, they show the students how to remember what they have learned and techniques to revise before the exam. 

Before you start to coach for exams, you will need to conduct thorough research on different strategies for exam preparations. Also, you should learn about the different strategies used to calm the brain. 

  1. 9. Personal Shopping

A personal shopper is someone who provides assistance to their clients in purchasing products that meet their specific needs and requirements. Their responsibilities include researching and sourcing goods according to the needs of their clients and curating a collection for them to choose from. Along with that, personal shoppers also help in the decision-making process by demonstrating different aspects of the products. 

  1. 10. Errand Running Services

Busy professionals find it difficult to take time out to run errands such as picking up groceries, dog walking, shopping, etc. You can start an errand-running service where you can do the everyday chores for others. 

There are other errand running service companies in the market. Thus, to stand out, you should try to offer more personalised services and reduce the time for delivery as much as possible. This is one of the most low-cost businesses and does not require any specialised skills.

11. Nutritionist / Meal Planner

If you have a good understanding of food and nutrition, you can become a meal planner. The duties of a meal planner include creating healthy diet plans for each client, assessing their nutritional requirements and checking up on their progress. 

To become a meal planner, you will not need a degree, but you should take professional training to enhance your nutritional knowledge. Taking courses and securing certification will not only develop your skills but also help you build trust among your clients. 

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  1. 12. Product Reviewer

Product reviewing is a fun and interesting way to earn, as you get to experience new products without paying for them. As a product reviewer, your job will be to use different products sent by the product owners and give reviews based on your experience. 

Reviews play a significant role in product sales, especially positive reviews. However, it is important that you stay honest and provide actual feedback. You will either get paid for each review or the time you offer. 

  1. 13. Social Media Specialist

A social media specialist is responsible for developing and implementing social media strategies. Their duties include creating attractive content, optimising the pages, driving customer engagement and generating revenue. 

Along with an overall understanding of the social media platforms, you will require writing, editing, and communication skills. Knowledge of different social media analytical tools is also very important. There is a variety of online training available on social media marketing; you can take these courses and develop your skills.

  1. 14. House Sitting 

House sitting is looking after others’ houses when the homeowners are away for an extended period of time. A house sitter is hired to provide security, care and maintain the homeowner’s property when they are away. Sometimes they also look after the homeowner’s pets. 

Usually, before the homeowners leave, you will have to sign a written agreement that will state your duties and other essential details. Along with the financial gain, this business allows you to live in different environments and explore new places. 

  1. 15. Pet Sitting

Pet-Sitting-small-business ideas (1)

For people who love animals, pet sitting is an enjoyable business idea. You can either focus on a certain type of animal, like dogs or be prepared to sit all kinds of pets. Some pet sitters provide service when for a long time, for example, when the owners are on holiday. On the other hand, some sitters look after pets for a short time. 

Before choosing what kind of pet sitter you want to be, ensure you have the essential knowledge and skills to keep the animals safe and sound. 

This is a good business proposition as it allows you to spend quality time with animals you love and get paid for it. You can take online pet-sitting courses to understand pet-sitting better and increase your client base.

Easy Businesses to Start

Here is a list of business ideas you can apply without too many complications.

  1. 1. Daycare Owner 

Working parents are always searching for a good daycare. You can help these parents by opening a daycare that will provide care and safety to children in a homely environment. If you are already a parent, this business is ideal for you as you have the adequate skills and knowledge to care for a child. 

However, before you open your daycare, make sure your home is child-friendly, and all the safety measures are taken to ensure the health and safety of the children. Also, keep in mind that children can be a handful, so you have to keep your patience and devote your utmost attention. 

  1. 2. Home-Baked Goods Seller

Establishing a home-baked goods business is the perfect chance to turn your passion into your profession. 

Those who love baking already have all the ingredients and tools at home. Therefore, all they need to do is open a Facebook or other social media page and post pictures of their delicious baked foods. People can order through your page, and either they pick up the food, or you can deliver it. 

  1. 3. Massage Therapist

There is always a demand for skilled massage therapists. You can take professional massage therapist training and get started with your massage therapy business. As a massage therapist, you will provide personalised services to your customers and help them release their stress. Along with a massage therapy certification, you will require some basic tools and massage instruments to start your business. 

  1. 4. Vending Machine Owner

A vending machine is one of the easiest ways to secure an income. For this business, all you need to do is place vending machines in populated locations like schools, universities, hospitals, offices etc. and you are good to go. 

However, you have to check on them regularly to refill them. You can start with one vending machine and gradually increase the number. 

  1. 5. Carpet Cleaning Business

Carpets are the dirtiest element of a home, and on top of that, it is very difficult to clean. Therefore, most of the people leave it to the experts. You can start your carpet cleaning business with a few pieces of equipment, cleaning products and basic marketing strategies. After working with a few customers, you can put up the before and after pictures on your social media page for marketing purposes. 

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Business Ideas for Students

There are many students who want to earn while they are studying. Balancing studies and a business can be difficult. But there are some businesses which are easy to conduct and ideal for students. These business ideas are as follows –

  1. 1. Tour Guide

If you love to explore and possess in-depth knowledge about your town’s beautiful locations and history, you can become a tour guide. 

There are different types of tour guides. Some take the tourists around the historical places of the city, some provide tours to different natural locations, and others may show around the food places of the city. So, decide what type of guide you want to be and build your knowledge around that. 

To become a proficient tour guide, you should have good verbal skills and the ability to engage and communicate with the audience. You can sign up for different online travel platforms and start your business from there.

  1. 2. Small-Batch Goods Seller 

Small-batch goods selling is the process of making a small batch of products with easily accessible ingredients and selling it. Usually, candles, home decor, moisturisers, soaps etc., are sold in this business. 

For this business, you will need a little money to buy the ingredients for your products. However, if you are able to sell all your products successfully, this business can bring you a lucrative profit. You can either sell your products online or through fairs, shops etc. It may be easier to sell online as you don’t have to convince the shop owners to display your products. 

  1. 3. Makeup Artist

Becoming a makeup artist can be an exciting and profitable business for makeup enthusiast students. 

To become a makeup artist, you must be able to do different looks and understand what will suit your clients best. You can take advantage of social media platforms to establish your business. All you have to do is use your friends and family as your model and take pictures of them after completing the makeup. Put up a page on the social media platform and post the pictures. People can see your work online and book you for their next event. 

  1. 4. Babysitting

For students busy with their studies, babysitting is a very convenient business. You can spend your free time looking after children in their homes. 

For the babysitting business, you will also not require any investments. However, you will require the skills and patience to look after children while their parents are away. You can use social media posts and word of mouth to get appointed as a babysitter. 

  1. 5. Dog Walking

For dog lovers, dog walking is a highly rewarding business. It allows you to spend time with dogs and earn in the meantime. 

Like babysitters, becoming a dog walker does not require investment or much time. You can start your business by taking the pet dogs of your family and friends out for a walk. If you want, you can also provide dog-sitting services along with your dog-walking business.

Recommended Course –

  1. 6. Sell Stock Photography

You can use your photography skills to establish a profitable business. There are many companies and even individuals who seek pictures for different projects. And they search for photos on different stock photography websites. 

You can sign up on the websites and then upload and sell your photographs. There are different categories on these websites; you can choose a specific category or take pictures for various categories and increase your earning potential. 

Recommended Course –

  1. 7. Flower Arranging

If you are a creative individual with love for the world of flora, flower arranging can be an excellent choice for you. 

You can arrange and design flowers for different events such as weddings, birthdays, business functions and funerals. For your displays and designs, you can use naturals flower or artificial flowers; if you want, you can mix them up as well. In this business, you may have to invest a little as you will require different tools, supplies and flowers. 

Recommended Course –

  1. 8. Virtual Assistant

The popularity and demand for virtual assistants are increasing rapidly. A virtual assistant provides almost all the services as a physical assistant or secretary but virtually. If you have good management, communication, and IT skills, you can become a virtual assistant. Becoming a virtual assistant will allow you to work from home and in flexible time; thus, your studies will not be hampered. 

Along with a good business proposition, becoming a virtual assistant can also help you with an impressive CV. You can add your experience and the skills you have acquired while working as a virtual assistant and increase your employability.

Recommended Reading: 

Top 10 Soft Skills Every Student Should Develop for Future Career Success

Small Town Business Ideas

Each business is different. Some are meant for big towns and cities, while others work better in a smaller area. So, if you live in a small town and want to establish your business there, here are some ideas that may be suitable for you.

  1. 1. Handyman

For those with excellent skills in fixing and mending things around the household, such as leaked pipes, faulty wiring, dripping taps etc., becoming a handyman is a good call. To be a handyman, you may not need a degree, but you will need very detailed knowledge and expertise. In addition, you will also require the essential tools and equipment to fix things. 

Usually, in small towns, most of the people know each other. Hence, word of mouth is a good marketing strategy. So, give your clients the best service possible, so they can recommend you to others. Moreover, you can also open a Facebook page and demonstrate the service you provide. Make sure people can book you through the page, as it will give them a better customer experience

  1. 2. Woodworker

Starting a woodwork business is suitable for people with the skills, tools, and passion. You can make beautiful furniture and put them for sale. In addition, you should also provide customised services where your customers can order according to their preferred design. Furniture renovation is another service you can provide for your clients.  

Customer satisfaction is very important in this business. Therefore, you should keep developing your skill set. You can join an apprenticeship and work under an experienced woodworker to improve your skills.

  1. 3. Garden Designer

Garden designing is a rewarding business idea if you are a creative person who loves gardening. As a garden designer, your job is to draw the garden layout for your clients and suggest different plants and elements to beautify their gardens. To start your garden designing business, you must have a solid grasp of gardening and a good sense of design. 

If you want, you can add more services, for example, hiring contractors for the installations or suggesting lawn servicing companies. After you book your first few customers, you can upload pictures of their gardens on your website or page. 

  1. 4. Sewing and Alteration Specialist

If you have a sewing machine at home and know how to use it, you can offer sewing services. In the initial stages, you can provide basic services like alteration, hemming and adding buttons. 

After working for a while and gathering a customer base, you can shift to more complicated projects, such as making suits, pants, and dresses. However, complicated projects will require a higher skill set and expertise. Thus, you will need to acquire professional training and develop yourself in this area. 

  1. 5. Landscaper

A landscaping business usually provides services such as mowing, trimming, planting, garden decor, mulching and more. If you have or can manage the basic landscaping instrument, you can start a landscaping business. In the initial stages, you can offer basic services like trimming and mowing. 

When your business is established, you can deliver other services like garden design and installations. If you have a good understanding of plants and their maintenance, it will come in handy in this business. 

  1. 6. Bed and Breakfast Owner

It is challenging to find a suitable spot to lay the night off in small towns. Typically, there are few hotels and motels where tourists or passers-by can stay. You can seize this opportunity and open a bed and breakfast if you own a house. 

For your bed and breakfast, you have to provide customer service, room maintenance and food service. In addition, you are responsible for the safety of your customers. Thus, you should ensure all the safety measures, such as fire safety measures, are in place. 

Along with a physical booking system, you should also maintain an online system. Moreover, signing up on websites like Airbnb will allow you to reach more customers. To build trust and credibility, you can put up your customer views on your website. However, make sure to be transparent and allow both positive and negative feedback. 

  1. 7. Clothing Boutique Owner

If you are a fashion enthusiast who is good at designing clothes, you can open a boutique shop in your town. You can either design the whole clothes or parts of them, such as the cut or prints. 

If you have expertise in stitching, you can make the clothes from scratch and make them more personalised. If opening a physical shop is out of your budget, you can start with an online shop. After developing a customer base, you can open your shop in your town. 

However, you must remember that designing is just part of the business. From product marketing to customer service, there are other responsibilities as well. Hence, if you need to be more skilled in managing everything, you can enrol in the various business courses of John Academy and develop your expertise.

  1. 8. Speciality Food Store Owner

Speciality food stores are places where people find a variety of specific kinds of food products. To open a speciality food store, you should research and learn about the consumer demands in your locality and the available products. Then analyse the information and select a food product with demand and something you like. 

This business does not require any specialised skills or qualifications. But it is important that you have a clear understanding of the product you are selling. Because when your customers will see that you have knowledge about what you are selling, they will trust you more.

  1. 9. Food Truck Owner

Food trucks are the best solution for tasty food at a good price. Therefore, there is a good customer pull and profitability. If you have a passion for cooking, you can open up a food truck in your town. The food business requires quite a large investment as you will need to buy equipment and ingredients. However, the high-profit level makes the investment worth the risk. 

Sticking to a specific type of food for your business is better. That’s because delivering a variety of food items will be easy in the small space of your truck and with no other helping hand. Also, this can affect the taste and quality of your food. 

Along with good cooking skills, you should also focus on food safety and hygiene. If you feel you lack adequate food safety knowledge, you will find a range of food safety courses at John Academy. These courses will increase your knowledge and provide you with an accredited certificate of achievement. 

Recommended Course –

  1. 10. Home Inspector

There are times when people buy new houses, they can’t inspect the house due to various reasons or feel they are too amateurs to identify faults. This is where the home inspector comes in. A home inspector’s role is to visit their clients’ future homes to inspect different areas and provide a written report. 

As a home inspector, you will need a good understanding of construction and other aspects of a home. It is very important to do your work seriously, as your opinion will significantly impact your client’s decision-making process.

How to Protect Good Small Business Ideas?

Taking steps to protect your small business is smart, especially if you’re working on a unique type of business or something that gives you a competitive advantage.

There are a few ways you can protect your small business idea legally. The right option will depend on your business.


Copyright is a legal concept that grants exclusive rights to entrepreneurs and creators over their original work. Copyright is meant to protect your intellectual property. It means that others can’t use it without your permission. It gives you the right to control how your work is used, distributed, reproduced, displayed, performed, and modified. This applies to text, art, photography, music, graphic design, and other similar work.


Patents are granted for inventions. It prohibits anyone else from creating, selling, or using your invention in their business for a certain period. And all patents in the UK are governed by The Patents Act 1977.


A trademark can also help you protect your intellectual property. It is basically a sign that enables you to distinguish your product or service from others. You would own a logo, phrase, word, symbol, or design. And it’ll prevent others from exploiting it.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is also known as a confidentiality agreement. An NDA is a document prohibiting people from sharing the outlined information. It’s a legally binding contract to protect confidential information for a specific period of time.

Work-for-Hire Agreement

It’s a document for employees. As an employer, it means whatever work your employees do during their employment term belongs to you.

Non-Compete Agreement

A non-compete agreement is a legally binding restrictive covenant. It’s designed to prevent others from exploiting competitive advantages gained through association with you.

Simply put, if you hire someone and have them sign this, they can’t work with your competitors or start a similar profession and become a competitor themselves.

What are the Pros and Cons of Starting
Your Own Business?

Before you start your business, it is important to look into it from different perspectives and measure both the advantages and disadvantages. To make your work easy, we have come up with a list of pros and cons of starting your own business. 

After evaluating this list, you can understand whether becoming an entrepreneur is worth the hassle or not.

The Pros

Here are some benefits of starting your own business from scratch. 

You Get to Drive Your Destiny 

Starting your own business puts you in the driving seat of your destiny. Whether you will succeed or fail will depend on how hard you work. There is nobody to hold you back. You have the ultimate freedom to take the actions you feel are right for your business. You can cut expenses or invest more money when it’s necessary. In addition, you can choose who you want to work with and turn your vision into reality. 

You are Your Own Boss

The best part about starting your own business is you get to be your own boss. You can have the freedom to make your own decisions about the business without being accountable to anyone.

On top of that, it will allow you to work at your own time and pace. When you are the boss, you don’t have to worry about pleasing anybody else other than yourself. Thus, there is no tension about not meeting the deadlines or getting fired.

Freedom to Practise Your Passion and Creativity

It is important to use your passion and creative thinking in order to grow both personally and professionally. However, you may not be able to do that if you are working in a controlling environment. But when you are working for yourself, you will have the freedom to apply your creativity. You can do what you love and work according to your own terms.

The Joy of Achievement 

While developing your businesses, you will come across many challenges. However, when you overcome them and see your product or services in the market, the joy of achievement will taste sweeter than honey. In the long run, you will find many obstacles, but as you go through them and expand your business, the sense of achievement will be very fulfilling. This satisfaction will motivate and inspire you to work harder. 

Financial Freedom 

Building a business has serious financial risks. However, once the business is up and running, it can lead you to financial freedom. You can earn a great amount of wealth if you can drive your business to success. From Bill Gates to Warren Buffet, most of the richest people in the world started with small businesses.

Not everything will work out as you plan,
so pivot before you quit, salvage what you can,
repurpose and change your perspective.

The Cons

With the positives, there are some negative sites as well.

Long Working Hours

It is not easy to build up a business from scratch. You have to work harder and invest more time into it than a regular 9-5 job. On top of that, you will be thinking about your business 24/ 7. So, it can be quite difficult to find free time. Even on weekends and holidays, you will be occupied with your work. 

You have to Guide Yourself 

When you work under others, you can get advice and guidance from your supervisor, manager and co-workers. Their expertise and experience help in solving problems and taking the right actions. However, when you are working alone, there is no one to guide you. You have to figure out everything by yourself. Not having a mentor in the initial stages of business can make your work more difficult. 

Financial Risk

The major risk of starting a business is financial risk. If your business goes well, you will have financial gain. On the other hand, if the business fails, you have to take a major blow. All your investment can go to waste due to a wrong move. However, without taking that risk, you can not start the business. 

Failure will Sting Harder

Like the joy of success, the sting of failure will also hit stronger. If your intervention does not go as planned, it will be a great blow economically, mentally and physically as well. When you see your financial investment and physical labour not giving you the result you want, it will be highly depressing. In these frustrating times, you have to hold your patience and be mentally strong.

How To Start Your Own Business In The UK?

Did you know that the UK is one of the best countries in the world for entrepreneurs?

But starting a business can be a lengthy process.

In order to build up a business, you have to move step-by-step. The steps you have to follow in the process of starting a business are given below.

1. Identify Your Small Business Idea

2. Create a Business Plan

3. Financial Considerations

4. Choose Your Business Structure

5. Registration

6. Get Insurance

7. Build Your Team and Select Vendor

8. Marketing

9. Grow Your Business

  •     1. Identify Your Small Business Idea      

The first step of becoming an entrepreneur is to research different business ideas and identify the right business for you. To select the correct type of business, first identify the industry with high demand. But make sure you are passionate about this certain type of industry or market. You will lose motivation if you don’t like what you do. 

After you have selected the industry, it’s time to do some research. Find out the current companies or brands leading in this market and what they are doing. It will help you understand the bigger picture. 

When you select the business, consider your target audience and what they want. If you can identify consumer needs, you can develop a business that meets those needs. This way, you will be able to create a valuable business with high market demand. 

After you have chosen the right field, it’s time to find a good name for your business. Select a name that will not only represent your business but also be able to attract consumers. 

  •      2. Create a Business Plan

The next step is developing a plan for your business. You have to design a plan that will include the vital info such as who are the target audience, what is the purpose of your business, what is the source of capital, etc.

Conducting market research is a significant part of your business plan. In this stage, you should explore the public data, and conduct surveys on focus groups. You should collect the information on the selected demographic and conduct a comparative analysis. This will help you understand the possibilities and challenges of the current market and plan accordingly. It will also help you differentiate your product from the rest of the market. In addition, the results gathered from the research will assist you in setting up your goals.

In your business plan, you should also include the strategies for marketing, operations management, sales techniques and other vital aspects of a business. This will help you run your enterprise smoothly. If you are well aware of the strategies and techniques, you can implement them in the right places and wipe out the obstacles.      

  •       3. Financial Considerations

For your start up, it’s essential to consider financial aspects carefully, and consulting with small business accountants can greatly support your planning process. You may have to invest a significant amount of money. Thus, it is essential to plan your finances. Therefore, you have to conduct different types of analysis to determine your product’s price and profitability. When you are done estimating your capital, it’s time to find a source for financial investment. 

Commercial loans from banks are a good option for your capital. You can also opt for a business grant; this is a good option as it is like a stipend which you do not have to pay back. However, managing a grant can be quite tricky as there is a huge competition and a long list of requirements. Some people also use their savings or loan money from family or friends to start their business.

The next thing is to open a business bank account. Compare different banks and the facilities they offer before selecting your bank. Opting for smaller local banks is suggested as it will be easier than the bigger banks. 

Pricing is about more than profit.
Experiment with different pricing strategies until you find one that works for you.

  •      4. Choose Your Business Structure

It is mandatory to select a business structure before you register your business. A lot of the legal work will depend on what sort of business structure you have. In the UK, the different types of business structures are –

    1. 1. Sole proprietorship
    2. 2. General partnership
    3. 3. Limited partnership
    4. 4. Limited liability partnership (LLP)
    5. 5. C corporation
    6. 6. S Corporation
    7. 7. Benefit corporation
    8. 8. Limited liability company (LLC)
    9. 9. Non-profit
    10. 10. Joint venture

Learn about the different structures in detail and identify a structure that will be suitable for your business. This will give you an understanding of how to attain your business goals.

        5. Registration

In the UK, it is legally mandatory for every business to get registered. There are different forms of registration, but you must be registered by His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), as it will ensure that you are paying the taxes at the right time and amount. Other registration requirements depend on the structure and type of your business. Each structure has some specific process for registering. 

       6. Get Insurance 

Insurance is an important part of your business as it provides security for different types of accidents such as fire, theft, property damage etc. Some insurance also covers the cost of dealing with customer lawsuits. Thus, your entity needs to have insurance. There are different types of Insurance Policy Management that cover various aspects of a business. You should choose policies that are appropriate for your startup. 

If your small business has employees, then it is mandatory to have Employers’ Liability Insurance. This insurance covers the legal and compensation cost if your employee complains about injuries or illness due to working for you. If you do not abide by the law by not getting this insurance, the HSE will fine you a massive amount of money.

      7. Build Your Team and Select Vendor

Some small businesses can be run by ‘one man army’, but not all. If you choose a business idea requiring extra hands, then this step is for you. Building a good team that can work together is crucial. So, try to recruit employees who have experience in this industry. As a team leader, you must know how to delegate, cooperate, and provide constructive feedback. 

Your team is not enough to carry out all the business operations. Thus, you will need third-party vendors. These vendors will take out some load off your shoulders and support it to run smoothly. You will be sharing valuable and sensitive information about your company with them. Therefore, you have to choose vendors who you can trust. You must ask the vendors about their previous records and how they helped other businesses. 

  8. Marketing 

If people don’t know about your business, you can’t expect them to buy from you. Hence, before launching your product, you must create a brand for your company and market your product. For marketing and advertising, it is important to have a logo. A logo will assist you in marketing your products on different platforms and help people recognise your products easily. 

To reach a wide range of audiences, you must have a good presence on social media platforms. It is also important to build a company website so that people can look up your products and services. Along with these marketing strategies, you should utilise email marketing campaigns to reach potential consumers. 

    9. Grow Your Business

After you start your sales, you have to focus on growing and expanding your business so that it does not stagnate. To grow your business, you should collaborate with other leading businesses and brands in the industry. You can also reach out to companies or businesses and influencers to promote your business for free products and services. 

It is suggested that you research growing your business and implement the strategies you find applicable to your startup. In the meantime, ensure that your entity can cope with the changes in the market. 

Tips for Starting a Successful Small Business

To help you run a successful business, we have gathered some effective tips. Here you go

  1. 1. Is it Right for You?

Before jumping into this, ask yourself if it is the right career path for you. You have to be honest with yourself and understand if entrepreneurship is something you will love. Also, assess and evaluate yourself to ensure you can take up the challenges.

  1. 2. Estimate Market Demand

It’s not necessary to sell something new, but it is important to sell something that the market wants. Also, you should offer something special which your competitors are not offering. 

  1. 3. Evaluate the Market 

The more you will know about the market, the better your business will do. Hence, focus on market research and talk to customers, vendors, and suppliers to learn more about the ongoing trends of the market. Find out what your competitors are doing and what results they are receiving. 

  1. 4. Cost Cutting 

For balancing your finances, cost-cutting is vital. Figure out which areas are draining your money and what to do to stop the excessive cash flow. In addition, try to avoid unnecessary expenditure, for example, renting huge office space for a team of four. 

  1. 5. Networking 

For growing your business, networking is a must. Establishing a good network will open new doors of opportunities; for example, through networking, you can learn from other experienced members of the industry. It will also assist in collaborating with leading brands and companies in the market.

  1. 6. Focus on Customer Service

No matter what kind of business you do, remember that your customer is the key to a successful business. Always try to provide the best customer service. Whether they purchase your products or not, make sure you answer their queries. This can play a significant part in customer conversion. 

Bring Your Small Business Idea to Life

Starting a business is like climbing a mountain. No matter how hard the road is, every struggle will be worth it when you reach the top. 

So, if you’ve got a business idea, try it. Follow the steps mentioned above, and stay positive in challenging times. The result might surprise you. 

Best of luck with your new venture!

FAQ: How To Start Your Own Business In The UK

Check out some of the frequently asked questions about small business in the UK.

There are 10 types of small businesses. These are 

  1. 1. Sole proprietorship
  2. 2. General partnership
  3. 3. Limited partnership
  4. 4. Limited liability partnership (LLP)
  5. 5. C corporation
  6. 6. S Corporation
  7. 7. Benefit corporation
  8. 8. Limited liability company (LLC)
  9. 9. Non-profit
  10. 10. Joint venture

It isn’t easy to point out one particular business structure, as different businesses have different requirements. You have to find out which is the best option for your entity.

Here are some of the most successful small businesses 

  • Craft stalls
  • Market traders
  • Online retailers
  • Photographer
  • Handyman
  • Caterer
  • Tutor
  • Home baking
  • Dog walkers
  • Accountant

Here are some of the top growing small businesses based on research  –

  • Healthcare Support
  • Technology 
  • Personal Care 
  • Food Preparation

Here are some registrations or requirements for starting a business at home.

  • Business registration as a sole trader, limited company, partnership, etc.
  • licences or permits, for example, to play music, sell food or trade in the street
  • insurance
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